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Need advice on legendary armor

Bast Bow.2958

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So I'm well underway of making legendary armor. But I can't set myself to actually make it. And I'm looking for reasons to either make it, or not.


Reasons to make legendary armor for me are:

- Switching stats easily

- I have most of the materials, it won't cost me a lot more to finish it.

- I play on 1 profession only, so it makes sense to make it because I'm not playing on any alts.

- Status, pride


Reasons not to:

- I have all ascended armor I need for the gametypes I play, berserker, viper and healing. Could easily make another set with all the boxes etc from raiding if I needed to for any other gametype. Allthough I do find it a bit annoying to swap all my gear around if I want to change stats.

- I don't really like the medium legendary armor esthetically. I don't think it's very bad, but I don't particcularly think it fits my profession and style.

- It will set me back a lot of gold and materials which I can spend on legendary weapons I like.


So if anyone could add any more reasons for either making it or not, or highlighting points I already mentioned and why it would be important, please do.



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I had legendary sets of armor specially for WvW. Every time new "balance" patch hit the game, after 2-3 months, you had to restat your equipment for new raid meta. It just became much-much easier and even cheaper with Leg armors compared to restatting ascended armors all the time. I also liked that did not need to keep 4 different sets of ascended armors with different stats around.

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Thanks for all the tips, it helps.


I forgot the space it would save on my main. All the sets I have lying around do make fill a lot of spots.


I'm still not convinced yet. And I wonder if I ever will be tbh, I just find it very hard to actually spend all that gold and materials. Silly maybe

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