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Signets and runes balance


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I would like to outline a problem with balancing issues of availibility about runes and signets. To be more precise I'm refering to those that become luxuries with unattainability of watchwork sprockets.

For examle if we compare the prices of similliar runes like afflicted and tormenting we will come to almost 700 times difference.

This issue is even more noticeable with release of a new dlc and elite specializations that attracted a lot of new players who suffer the most. I dont understant why there already hasnt been rebalancing 3 years ago with cancelation of annual Queen's Jubilee event.

I hope I'm note the only one who would welcome new crafting recipes for these items which are big part of the game.

It's quite unreasonable to wait another 9 months for a possiblility the event will be ressurected or to spend hundreds of gold for them and slave at rune forge for a slim chance of luck you'll get one.

I apologize if there is other way of obtaining them that i overlooked.

Thanks for reading.

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this game needs finally a complete sigil and rune rework and rebalance. Somethign that this game had so far in 5 years partially only once, and its long overdue, that the game gets finalyl its first big serious great overhauling balance patch that takes every sing sigl and rune into consideration of reworkign them to make the item in the end more interestign, more balanced, more useful, equally simple to receive, insteasd of being hided behind all kinds of events, mechanics and what not all to make the aquasition of some upgrades arteficially more harder, than neccessary .


Theres lots of upgrades, which shoudl simply get removed andreworked instead maybe into masteries, like for exampel the slayer sigils, that absolutely no body uses.

Upgrades need to receive with that patch then also finalyl ascended sigils and ascended rune,s which shoudl be accountbound unlock items with that you should be able to unlock the effects of these upgrades for your acocunt permaently to access, slo that these effects can be then later useed for an official build template system to be able to quckly switch while being out of combat also your upgrades on the fly per button click, without that you lose each time your ugrades when you change your build.., would give jeweler 500 finally a reasson to be implemented to be the craftign job, that is responsible to improve upgrades from exotic to ascended level of quality.


Class Based/Spec Based Upgrades should also be only useable by the fitting classes/specs.

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The supply of watchwork sprockets is fine. What you're seeing right now is a massive surge in demand driving up the price.


Wait a month or two, and I predict the price of sprockets will be half or less of what it is today.


In the meantime, I suggest using some of your laurels on getting the sprocket generator for your home instance.

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