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Mesmer and Regen

Sorin Noroku.5342

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So, with the recent balance patch, soi and Bountiful Disillusionment changed. Some say for the better, others for the worse.... however, there is now one GLARING issue I see.


Mesmer is now the ONLY class that cannot reliably apply regen to allies. Even THIEF and WARRIOR can. This 100% kills mesmer in any way for being a healer currently.


I say we buff the insp trait for heal on illusion spawn’s healer modifier to compensate.

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Well, that’s just it. Mesmer has none now. They used to be able to give it via f4 and/or soi. However they can’t now.


Ele/guardian/ranger all kinda throw regen out like NOTHING. Rev does it with herald heal, war with banner trait, engi with heal turret, toolbelt skills, even holo light arena, thief when giving allies stealth, and necro with staff 2 or focus 4(?).


Mesmer is the ONLY class now that cannot give regen to allies. Which kinda means it’s ability to be a healer, is SHOT.

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It does not feel like mesmer was really all that great of a healer to begin with, but I am not sure how it comes to others. Mesmer just feels like more of a generic supportive role after looking at Chaos/Inspiration/Chrono routes. All sorts of ways to apply aegis multiple times. Healing. Condition removal. Quickness. Alarcity. Healing. Misc utility out of combat. CC. Packed with utility.

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Chrono is the support elite spec, when you look at mirage, it isn’t supportive at all... but those are the elite specs, I’m talking base class doesn’t give regen. Even base rev gives regen via tablet. It kinda kills any chance of a mesmer healer.


If you apply the ability for regen, with illusionary inspiration, and all’s well that ends well, you end up with a decent HoT healer. But, without regen, you end up super super low.

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