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Pistol/Dagger Thief needs to see some buffs (WvW)


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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> I've played my build in WvW a bit as well. Takes a bit to get used to the new marked mechanic but I'm doing ok because I never really used perma stealth. The duration loss is annoying though.

> I don't want to seem as though I wouldn't accept a buff but I want to see it applied to the right skills.

> * Sneak Attack could use some additional damage given that projectiles can be stopped in many more ways than a melee strike (hello holo autos through a wall).

> * I'd also accept a slight daze on Shadowstrike IF it cost the same initiative. This lets you interrupt melee attacks without being able to spam it endlessly in most scenarios.

> * Body Shot projectile could be slightly faster. Or the ability could be buffed a bit to compensate for how slow it travels.


> I don't think that comparing the DPS on P/D to Holo is fair given that DE has greater stealth access. Also, to an extent Holo damage is mainly overtuned for the range its melee skills get. The damage wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so painfully difficult to avoid with large AoE cc and plenty of gap closers. Shadowstrike can't compete because to land the knife attack you are already well inside the autoattack range and have taken a few hits that hurt a lot more than the range would justify.


Yea, I did a little more roaming as DE p/d. It is definitely more of a challenge compared to DD to maintain a solid solo run. Mark has no real profound effect on the DD setup, where as on the DE it is devastating in particular situations. I agree that sneak attack direct damage could use a little love, compared to holosmith photon blitz, malicious sneak attack is very weak by comparison even when at full malice.

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