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Pls Give us a REAL epic Elder Dragon Fight THIS TIME

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> That's nice in theory, but...

> Would you appreciate a fight with a dragon that you, personally did not participate in? Because a fight like that can't recur. There aren't a thousand other Elder Dragons waiting to replace Kralkatorrik. There is one. He dies. We win. The end. Map closed forever.


I think canonically, maps mostly represent some fixed slice of time in the past, on infinite loop. Not entirely, since current events are occasionally added. But while there can technically be a lot of Shatterers or Claws of Jormag, there's can't be a lot of specific centaur leaders or pirate captains. And there aren't going to be any more Tequatls with Zhaitan dead.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I can't wait to stab at the hair on the wart of the 3rd toe on its left foot. #EPICDRAGONFIGHTS


This is pretty much how i see it too. How do you expect to have a epic fight against a dragon the size of a continent? Even an "epic" air ship battle would involve you pressing 111111 a bunch of times on a cannon because its a dragon the size of a continent and your "hero" is nothing more than a flea.


The only way they could represent a epic battle against a dragon the size of Kralkatoric would be to do the entire battle through cutscenes, which i personally would hate.


To those saying Gw1 bosses where better because you could fail or the posed a threat;

A.) you physically cannot *fail* in this game, even the bosses leading up the dragons cannot be failed, you can die your through the fights because it saves your progress(done on purpose if a bit silly and imo is a good thing as i dont want to rely on a group/healer for any story missions.)

B.) the threat they posed(with the exception of the great destroyer) is alot less than the EDs, theyd be treated like Joko(battle was meh, but the ending was glorious), Balthazar(which i think his battle was pretty well done) and even Lazarus(annoying to fight, but again well done).



> @"perilisk.1874" said:


> I think canonically, maps mostly represent some fixed slice of time in the past, on infinite loop. Not entirely, since current events are occasionally added. But while there can technically be a lot of Shatterers or Claws of Jormag, there's can't be a lot of specific centaur leaders or pirate captains. And there aren't going to be any more Tequatls with Zhaitan dead.


They are frozen in time you are correct until the maps get updated with newer events, ive noticed they tend to stay out of the maps that have dragon champions when adding in newer things unless it relates to the dragon champion itself.



Canonically at least

A.) there has only been one "Shatterer" Who remained dead(i guess in pieces) until Kralkatoric brought him back to life.

B.) Tequatl *is* dead in the lore.

C.) The Claw of Jormag could be a continuous rebirth of the one we kill.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> Sort of off topic, but it just hit me -- I wonder how the OOW and the OOS are going to get along if we take both the Pact and the Elonian factions in the fight against Kraalkatorik?


I'm really hoping Anet does address this at some point (though I don't expect it to happen). A behind-the-scenes OOW vs. OOS "cold war" subplot would be great (if only for purely selfish reasons; I don't like either organization and would like to see both completely destroy themselves).

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I feel I should point out that the trailer for the new chapter mentions Dragon Blood weapons. Given that Glint herself had such a thing ready to face Kralk with, it's likely that we'll be using them in our fight as well. That means that we'll be doing a physical, face-to-face fight against Kralk in a solid form.


Given what we've seen of the story so far, and little hints dropped here and there, I think I can see how we're going to manage that. We've been told how to bait him, how to hold him, and how to kill him. So... yeah. Physical battle in the end.

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