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Which class counters Mirage in WvW roaming?


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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Power mirage running full zerk with zero toughness can be countered by literally every single profession.

> Especially professions with good toughness and blocks and invulns can do even a 100 -0 on a mirage.


> On the other hand pure condi dire/trailblazer mirages are countered only by other condi mirages, or really good power mirages who runs inspiration.


> Even soulbeast which is right top 1vs1 spec in the game with zero counters doesn't have a super easy match against trailblazer mirage, so probably it's a draw or the better player wins (if nobody runs away and reset the fight).


> Holosmith can melt power mirage with an holo leap and 2 autos, he struggle a bit more against condi as well, if he runs condi cleans elixir the chances to win are higher.


> After playing myself between power and condi you are an insane difference in skill.

> With condi mirage i was winning constantly numerous 1vs2 and even some 1vs3, you can afford many many mistakes and get away with it.

> With power you must time all your burst and evade chains correctly or having less than 2k armor you will get oneshot by literally anything if you mess up.


Conversion holo with cleansing sigil hard counters condition builds. Mirage included

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I think this depends on the mirage build, but as i see on the forum most people cry about condi mirage. My guess is that maybe power mirage counters condi, basically any class with sustain and stealth, so boon holo, i think even slb but not sure. Weaver with swiftness rune? Even after all the nerfs a good warrior can counter it.The beauty of GW is that you can build against your enemy so, if to get bursted down by condi, take clenses, for power take auto proc traits, if you want to be full glass learn how other classes work, honestly why only mesmer forums are all about asking for nerfs and things like that?

But honestly, this all comes down on what you know better than your enemy dont.

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Anyone who knows how to dodge shatters and is adaptable can beat any variety of mesmer with almost any spec.


Thieves and any flavor of meditation Guard can hard counter a mesmer if they reliably use every proper response to every option a mesmer has.

The amount of thieves that can do this are incredibly low. Medi guard has a fairly easier time of it, if not caught with their pants down.

Thief can endlessly run form you (don't waste cooldowns chasing they will just go "lol I don't have cooldowns ty for wasting yours!")

Guards you can run from fairly reliably.


Holo may pressure power mirage. Condi not as much.


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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> Anyone who knows how to dodge shatters and is adaptable can beat any variety of mesmer with almost any spec.


> Thieves and any flavor of meditation Guard can hard counter a mesmer if they reliably use every proper response to every option a mesmer has.

> The amount of thieves that can do this are incredibly low. Medi guard has a fairly easier time of it, if not caught with their pants down.

> Thief can endlessly run form you (don't waste cooldowns chasing they will just go "lol I don't have cooldowns ty for wasting yours!")

> Guards you can run from fairly reliably.


> Holo may pressure power mirage. Condi not as much.



Depends on the Holo build. As I stated above. With cleansing sigils a conversion build should have no problem with condi mes.

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I think the premise of this question is inherently wrong because it oversimplifies the playing field. Particularly in WvW there is a large potential variance in gear and traits. However it's a strawman trying to guide the argument by giving a conclusion without citing any proof.


Equally important is the concept of a hard-counter vs a soft-counter, as far as I know these are not well defined terms, but essentially it means something like:


Hard-counter: this match-up is so lopsided that player skill is practically irrelevant.

Soft-counter: this match-up generally favors one class so player skill makes a difference.


Hard-counters do somewhat exist although every serious PVP build is created to generally avoid this. Based on all these factors it comes down to, what basic class mechanics can override others?


Mesmers have stealth, mobility, and summons as key features, Mirages have the addition capability of being able to attack while evading. So these are things you want to try and neutralize.


One notable things are that the summons are vulnerable to cleave damage, although this is not a hard counter for 1v1 for several reasons.





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