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Game barely functions due to disconnects

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I am getting a high volume of disconnects as well... initially thought it was on my end... ran Ping test for a while. no packet loss.. and stable ping... Seems to really hit me when I try to do sPvP... I get into a arena... and I disconnect at some point in the match... then I can get back in and finish just fine but its frustrating.... its like clock work.. once per arena.

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I'm having the same problem. I've attempted the story ("The Departed" specifically) 11 times and get disconnected every single time. I did all the recommended fixes - firewall, port changes, etc - and nothing has helped. Still no word from arenanet. Story is unplayable, and I can't progress :\

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Hey everyone,


If you have issues please post the results of -diag and -log flags, what you were doing at the time of the issue/error, what the error code was, and the results of a tracert as described in [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/7482/game-issues-access-tp-gem-store-10-03-04-merged#latest).

If you need help with how to do that please see [this link from the GW2Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments).

We are trying accumulate as much information as we can for ArenaNet to pinpoint and solve these problems and the more feedback we give them, the better chance we have of getting this all solved sooner.


Thanks <3

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