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WvW Tournments returning after World Restructuring ?


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I sometimes wonder if it might be better for the community to keep track of wins/losses externally through a points system similar to Premier League Football/Soccer. As it stands, we have 3 servers per tier which we could allocate points to at the end of each match up: 2 for First, 1 for Second, 0 for Third.


At the end of each re-link, the servers who have accrued the most points are the winners of that 'Season'. I guess you could also add in positive/negative modifiers for going up/down a tier(which might help to combat intentional tanking), having the highest/lowest average K/D or holding the most amount of victory points across the season.


Without knowing exactly how Alliances are going to work with regards to a tier system, it'd be hard to implement this in the same way. But there's nothing to say we couldn't use something like this in the meantime.

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