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Why are you playing WvW?


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I'm only here for the Pips.


Use to care about WvW. Back when the game launched I spent months trying to win and worked endlessly to be a great player. And my guild did the same, doing everything we could to win, but we eventually realized WvW's design was horribly broken. And it has never changed.


ANET is totally incompetent when it comes to RvR design. Their promises so far have been nothing more than years of BS.


So anymore, if I play at all, it is for pips (legendary armor). I use a cheese build ranger to get to get max participation as fast as possible with as little effort as possible on maps with outnumbered. Keep participation maxed until I have my week's ticket quota then log out until I feel like doing it again. Which sometimes isn't for a couple of months.


I don't even play my main anymore in WvW, and I am a horrible ranger, get destroyed by even bad players. But I don't care, I'm only here for the Pips.



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