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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:



> Europe already determined the black lion chest is the same as a loot box which is the same as a gatcha roll.


> Playing the game itself is one large gatcha roll, there are legendary precursors hidden amongst the mobs. It's all the same addictive chance based model.


What? Legendary Precusors carried by monsters and awaiting to be looted? Honestly, I heard this urban legend. Never happened in my case. The only precursor I ever captured was from a level chest in WvW.


But to keep the discussion on the precursors topic. I don't think I will be more happy in the very end if the precursors will be awarded as rewards. Because to craft a precursor (or to buy it if I already crafted one) and then to turn it into a Legendary is my favorite and most pleasant activity in the game. I play mostly open world PvE and WvW - apparently chaotic and without any plan. But i never forget the final goal (the legendary item).


In my case the non exciting loot is very rewarding. Because I use almost all the material from the salvage. (maybe this is the reason I never had even 30 gold/hour from Istan. Because I sell almost nothing =) )

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