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'Slippery Slope' instabilty is terrible for cliffside [merged]

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> IKR lol


> I am searching for the guy who said "imagine flux hit mobs aswell lmao"


Here I am, juts done new Sirens and tried out new instabilities in others.

This is going to be a loooooooong fun, till anet sorts it.

Love the new social awkwardness <3

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Yea slippery Slope is a pain at cliffside but with 2 mesmers we were SOMEHOW able to get thru the 1st part and after that it was easy to get up the rest of it and things went smooth. took only 30mins . Slippery Slope in Underground was fun with my group tho getting up the ramp at the end of the cage room was an excperience. We didnt have the bomb room so i can imagine that was annoying without ports/blinks trying to stealth. The idea is fun but maybe not for fractlas idk. [https://tinyurl.com/y78mjves](https://tinyurl.com/y78mjves "https://tinyurl.com/y78mjves")

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I quite agree, this new instability was no fun for me for several reasons so i am gonna post the reasons why i dislike it. I am glad to read that the instability will be removed in cliffside, however i have the following issues with it:


1: Unable to walk over small obstacles

You cannot take any stairs, however small and tiny they are. If there is a random little stone you have to jump over it or slide around it. This makes it very annoying if you want to get somewhere and get to a halt for apparently no reason until you see an obstacle.


2) Unable to walk uphill

Even worse is the fact that you cannot walk uphill in any way without jumping, which makes you go uphill somewhat awkward, or dodging uphill, which again makes you very unstable on landing since you gathered a lot of momentum during the dodge any are likely to overshoot. This second point inparticular made it impossible for me to complete the cliffside fractal, but even the underground fractal was a pain due to the slight uphill ground near the edges of the arena which meant you could not stand still and hit the boss under some lava-containers. Apart from that, it was a difficult to even get up to the mechanism to empty the container. This brings me to my next reason:


3) Far noo much time needed + even simple tasks become a challenge

The new instability lengthens the fractal unnecessarily. With the new instability it took me over 20 minutes to beat the boss in the underground fractal. It was not because my group had any difficulties with the boss itself, but the instability made even simple tasks challenging (in a bad way) to fullfill. My goal is to run the dailies as well as the recommended fractals in an average time. I do not mind if a fractal is lengthened as it happened to the Molten Boss, as long as it has good reasons to require more time to beat. I am afraid to say this is not the case with this change.


4) No counterplay

What even adds to my frustration is the fact that there is nothing you can do to circumvent or handle the situation. There are a lot of mechanics to handle different instabilities ("No Pain No Gain" -> steal boons, "Social Awkwardness" -> Do not stack, "Last Laugh" -> get out of the aoe, "Flux Bomb" -> place the bomb away from the grout, etc. you get my idea). This instability is not cleansable, so there is nothing you can do about it.


That being said, i do not think the idea is generally bad. I liked the idea that the part in the underground fractal before Rabsovich was a bit more difficult and can imagine it being more challeging in dodging enemy attacks, but at this state it prevents me having fun because it makes the wrong things challenging.


In my opinion it is a change to the worse regarding the experience i had with the fractals and hope this instability gets a thorough revision.


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Just did 81 dredge fractal (ice elemental with it), it was harder then a 100 cm, took 50 minutes. i hope this isn't the idea of instabilities. Only super flat ones, should have this one included, and never other hard instabilities).


For first 5 min this is fun instability, but when the mobs start to rage and hit you super hard, while you loose control, and your evades matter less (you slide back from slope into aoe often), this feels to punishing.

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Can you PLEASE make it so that using stability nullifies the effect for its duration? Otherwise the 20% bonus means literally nothing.


This is honestly the worst instability in the game (FAR worse then the old SA) and not just for the two aforementioned "bugged" fractals but for _any_ fractals with ramps or jumping, Uncatagorized and Jade Maw come to mind, it's also very annoying to play melee with it but perhaps that one's intentional.


At least if stability protected us from it we could use stab to go up hills or across jumps instead of sliding off the edge like we're all wearing lubed up bowling shoes on a skating rink filled with loose marbles...

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