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[Bug] Slippery Slope - Cliffside and Underground Facility

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> @"Pikls.8710" said:

> Whaaaaaat please no ;-;

> I've never had so much fun in Cliffside before! D:


You and I have very different definitions of the word fun ive not done Cliffside yet but did do Underground on T4 and it was a pain getting up the ramps and catwalks let alone doing the mechanics, well glad you enjoyed it.

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> @"Pikls.8710" said:

> Whaaaaaat please no ;-;

> I've never had so much fun in Cliffside before! D:


You say that now, but I can guarantee it won't last long because it'll get old quick and you'll get sick of it. It's an interesting instability, but it doesn't belong on fractals with jumping puzzles or very narrow ramps.

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> @"Nightblade.7982" said:

> > @"Pikls.8710" said:

> > Whaaaaaat please no ;-;

> > I've never had so much fun in Cliffside before! D:


> You and I have very different definitions of the word fun ive not done Cliffside yet but did do Underground on T4 and it was a pain getting up the ramps and catwalks let alone doing the mechanics, well glad you enjoyed it.


We did underground too and again it was way more fun :/

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Underground was a complete pain in the arse, every little ramp became a challenge, even standing still on the buttons. Half the group died two times at the end, trying to get through the Ice Elementals to the boss at the end. No thank you, this is by far the worst instability Anet ever released. Even the old Social Awkwardness was 10 times more fun than this.

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> @"Vrita.7846" said:

> > @"Pikls.8710" said:

> > Whaaaaaat please no ;-;

> > I've never had so much fun in Cliffside before! D:


> You say that now, but I can guarantee it won't last long because it'll get old quick and you'll get sick of it. It's an interesting instability, but it doesn't belong on fractals with jumping puzzles or very narrow ramps.


Weird because that's exactly where this instability belongs in my opinion ):

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I did with ice ele and 3 casuals and 2 pro players (me and friend). It was a pain on dredge. First of all, all the elementalist from hallway follow us, cause of the strange pathing that this 'perma jump to not slide back' does, you pull way to much mobs, you also loose control, and sometimes set in motion to fast agro boss; So we had to kill all mobsin hall way in 6 attempts (10 min lost). Then the boss, there's time you dodge outward, but get pushed into aoe again cause of the slide down pits; Awfull. ice elemental hits like a truck with freeze row, incredible punishable attack. if you already have to dodge more cause of all the slidings, and loose dps cause you fail to position yourself correctectly: no fun.


imo this instability has no place in fractals whatsoever (and yes i did tribulation mode achievements).


Look the only old one that got overhauled on super much complaints is social awkwardness. Well conclusion of the day for me is, i take old social awkwarness any time over this instability. it's not fun when things that could insta wipe you are happening and you loose control cause of.... slippery slope. Between dredge first room and second, it's sort fun cause you fall down accidently and can reset immediately (good laugh), at end boss, hall, not so much you loose 4000 range if you fail to jump one time fast enough. You loose more time now, grow more frustration now, still have other (nasty) instabilities to watch out for, one of the veteran ice ele's had 6 boons, one was 20 sec quickness... do the math. I prefer SA over new Slipperly slope. C'mon anet, should say enough. i know VERY well how my char is gonna move from the ice slipping effect, but some bosses require certain movement. The only thing i can do is spam keyboard, and voice 'omg move there'. Doenst work after 10 times? Well usually dead or in big problems. is that fun? i think not. It's the reactive component of guild wars that makes it fun, exceptions that purely focus on jump puzzle aspect like SAB are also nice. This is just a wacko mix. Try do this in raids. People will despice it. Why should fracs have this trouble then?


PS i got higher then any of my party members on the cliffside fractal. This is not worth the daily loot, i rather speedrush a 8 dungeon run for the time and stress this requires;


PPS fractals is becoming a mess, and that as my most played daily activity. I'm considering quitting it all together, and i just started doing cm's for two months. Slipery slope, mesmer nerf, 10 target 'soft' firebrand/renegade compensation that doens't work in fractals... state of fractals 95% fun to 35% at the moment. If sliperly slope comes up every day in one daily (doenst matter wich, except maybe grawl, and urban battleground), that will become 10% soon. Do the math anet. I'm all for challenge, but not when it kills fun, or overules the feeling of 'daily' routine.

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