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Feedback on Pharus [Merged]

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> @"intox.6347" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Pharus is already at 611 of 209,734 (0.291%) according to GW2 Efficiency, making it already more popular than Sharur at 593 of 209,734 (0.283%) and will quickly be more popular than the HMS Divinity, maybe by the end of the day. Heck it might end up being more popular than Ipos in a few months.

> >

> >

> Coz Longbow is one of main weapons.... you have here army of rangers... also berserker and dh use it. And ppl like me who doesnt like to run big norn / charr with flowery bow.... waiting for 2nd try in that.... now they dont have another option. I had all materials ready.... just when they release it... make prec and click it... now im hesitate... coz not so satisfied. Yeah lot of effects... omg ULTRA shine everywhere.... but thas not weapon desing, just effects... u can put them on any other longbow.


> Dunno why is there not like 3-5 legendary skins for each type of weapon, omg its not that hard... and you can see on gem skins... that they have ppl to make it. Just legendary is not for gems... so fu it.


Because they don't have folks dedicated to making Legendaries. The people who make Legendaries are also the people who are making other stuff in the game and the focus is placed on things that a lot of people play vs things only a handful of people actually do. You'll get far more people going for a normal skin than a Legendary due to the simple fact that it doesn't require a metric ton of resources. You can buy a Gem Store skin and it not cost you hours of in-game time to get and a lot of resources that you either have to build up or buy from the TP. Gem Store skins actually makes them money, which places a higher priority on them. Legendaries don't. Gem Store skins is something more players actually get. Legendaries are not. They have more people doing the story material than they do going for Legendaries, again due to the fact that story material doesn't require a huge investment of resources. This isn't about difficulty but where limited resources is best spent. Cranking out a bunch of Legendaries simply is not the best use of their time. Not for something that so few players actually get.


They also want them to be special. If you released a bunch of them they would stop being well .... legendary. Sure that sucks when you don't have a skin that you like but they are an optional thing to begin with. Rarity increases the overall value. It makes making one a special event as opposed to just another thing you do in the game. Just about anyone can go to the Gem Store and pick up a skin. But not everyone is walking around with Shinning Blade. Lot's of folks will get a Black Lion skin or a Gem Store skin but not everyone will get a Legendary. I also find it unlikely that people are making the weapon just because its the only alterantive to Kudzu. It's a huge resource sink and I would wager that folks who do not like it simply will not make it. Considering the low percentage of folks who actually make Legendaries I just don't see a lot of people making it just because. Most people do not put in that level of work for something they don't like.


Though this really isn't an issue to get worked up over. There is no way to make a Legendary that everyone is going to like. There is always going to be someone who doesn't like it. There are plenty of folks who love Kudzu. Not me, but it's nothing that I get upset over. If I didn't like Pharus I would shrug and move on. There are a lot of folks happy with Pharus. If you don't like it that's cool but that doesn't make it any less legendary. Just makes it not for you. Comparative to other Legendaries it's not that bad. Folks talk about effects but if you were to be honest and go through all the Legendaries we would see that a lot of them could be just like any other kind of weapon and what makes them special is being labeled Legendary. The Predator is just a really cool rifle covered in flame. They've released rifle skins that are just as awesome, if not more so, than Predator. The greatswords are not really special. Folks love it though. I bet if it were just a normal skin it wouldn't be all that popular. It certainly isn't more involved than Pharus. There is more detail in Pharus than all three of them. The perfected weapons for them actually look better. I really can't take folks seriously when the talk about the effects and looks of Pharus when we compare it to some of the older Legendaries that weren't all that creative or special. As a matter of fact, the more creative looking ones don't seem to be all that popular. HMS Divinity is more creative than Predator, hands down. Not many people like it.


Most of the complaints against Pharus are true of the majority of older Legendaries and yet somehow folks don't complain about that. So very hard to take seriously.

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> @"Hawkerace.6320" said:

> I can't be the only one that thinks this new legendary longbow lacks the 'legendary' aspect to it. After making it, I felt like I wasted all that time farming for some gem store skin.


> Before I go on ranting and get off track. I think this longbow needs to get back to the drawing board and redesigned a bit. It's not legendary worthy. And for the time and material cost, it's no where near worth it. The design is basic and I feel like there wasn't much effort put into it.


> Kudzu has been out for years and still beats it hands down.


I would trade Kudzu in a moment, should be an un-account bound function when you made a legendary years prior to a decent one being released.

I can't dual wield longbows so I'll be stuck with the salad stick.

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Personally I'm more and more happy with Pharus every day. I like the 'minimalist' design of the bow itself and although I was slightly disappointed with the footfall effects (being a little bit too subtle) at first, I've now grown to appreciate them as well.


Overall, the bow works well with my Ranger and my DH, having just enough 'flashiness' (pun intended) without being OTT.


Now if only they would cut down on the obscene amounts of wood and mithril required to actually make it - joking ;)

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