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Two problems I have with the new map


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First of all, the achievement Another Kind of Shattered is very stupid. I don't know what others think, but hidding an achievement behind the failure of an event is stupid. These things should be a reward for COMPLETING a part of content, not waiting until an event fails.....an event that never fails because you cannot stop the players from playing and enjoying the new map. So, in conclusion, I believe those branded soldiers should have been a part or a pre of the rift event. I don't like waiting for 1 hour for an event to fail. I know this map will probably be like the others, totally empty after 1-2 months, but still is a stupid idea to hide achis behind event fails.


The second thing I hate is the way dwarven rooms works. I do metas every day to get that damn key just to get stuck into the purple room where that grave digger drops nothing. Is this how it was intended to work? If not, why don't we have a fix already?



I find the new mastery pretty useless too. I mean is useful only on the new map pretty much. But it has no real use. Is like a weaker springer.

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> The second thing I hate is the way dwarven rooms works. I do metas every day to get that kitten key just to get stuck into the purple room where that grave digger drops nothing. Is this how it was intended to work? If not, why don't we have a fix already?


Agree that the achievement is poorly designed atm and really hope it gets fixed soon.

The veteran gravedigger is supposed to drop the next plate for the next room.


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I really wish there were not achievements that required event failure. It is frustrating and causes angst between players. I just left a map where a few people were trying to get that different kind of shatterer achievement, and were asking nicely for people to let it fail, then when a few people showed up just trying to do the event, they asked again, but things still didn't work out in their favor. I could tell they were frustrated, and the people who showed up were just trying to have fun with the event. Please, please update this so we're not pitting players against each other and causing angst like this.

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> The second thing I hate is the way dwarven rooms works. I do metas every day to get that kitten key just to get stuck into the purple room where that grave digger drops nothing. Is this how it was intended to work? If not, why don't we have a fix already?


It drops on the floor and not in your inventory.

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I read in another thread that the achievement is bugged and is meant to be completed with a successful event as well.


As for the dwarven tomb, I'm overall pretty disappointmented with the design. I thought it was going to be an intricate mini dungeon like in desert highlands....

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Daniel.5428" said:

> > The second thing I hate is the way dwarven rooms works. I do metas every day to get that kitten key just to get stuck into the purple room where that grave digger drops nothing. Is this how it was intended to work? If not, why don't we have a fix already?


> It drops on the floor and not in your inventory.


I know how it is supposed to work but not, it does not. Many have this problem. The gravedigger is bugged for many players.

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