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Don't remove or nerf Slippery Slope


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> @"yann.1946" said:

> You're basically throwing an entire set of opinions in the trashcan because they disagree. And justify this by claiming they don’t play on you're level without prove.




All relevant titles, 600+ 100CM KPs, 1800+ LI, did CMs+T4 daily for a long time. Want me to proof this? Or do you want me to write a scientific essay on the topic?


Also, *your

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > You're really close minded and reluctant to suffer a little for the long term enjoyment that comes from mastering something difficult that you used to struggle with.


> Sorry, not buying your kitten. Long term enjoyment is **NOT** sliding around. I spare my time now because it's worthless to discuss about such things with somebody not having any idea of interesting challenging content.



I don't get how you can say this, if you ask me, this instability is one of the best instabilities there currently is.

It promotes careful positioning and therefore skill, all you have to do, is to be more aware of your movement - it is a fixed mechanic that has no rng-element to it.

You can 100% predict how a movement will end up, all it takes is practice.


Positioning is a crucial skill when doing challenging content, so this instability provides an increased skill-requirement for all five players of the team (if you include the aspect of boonsharing & ground targeted healing) and that is a good thing - it is supposed to mix things up.


From reading all the complaints on reddit and the forums it just seems that many players are not willing to step their gameplay up and are completely unwilling to improve.

I can understand that dps players are unhappy with Flux Bomb as they have to interrupt their rotation to handle this mechanic, however it seems paradox to me, that they qq about a fully predictable, non-rng increase of required movement awareness.


edit: The current philosophy of fractal instabilities is variance - instabilities are about changing things up every day - and this never was compatible with the speedclear mindset that wants to maximize everything with a one size fits all solution.

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> @"spiritualabyss.7016" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > > You're really close minded and reluctant to suffer a little for the long term enjoyment that comes from mastering something difficult that you used to struggle with.

> >

> > Sorry, not buying your kitten. Long term enjoyment is **NOT** sliding around. I spare my time now because it's worthless to discuss about such things with somebody not having any idea of interesting challenging content.

> >


> I don't get how you can say this, if you ask me, this instability is one of the best instabilities there currently is.


Why do you think people like Vince or me have actual "trouble" clearing this? I had no problem doing 100CM with slipperly slope, it's just that it is not fun and not worth getting good at. It's such a bad mechanic.


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> @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > @"spiritualabyss.7016" said:

> > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > > > You're really close minded and reluctant to suffer a little for the long term enjoyment that comes from mastering something difficult that you used to struggle with.

> > >

> > > Sorry, not buying your kitten. Long term enjoyment is **NOT** sliding around. I spare my time now because it's worthless to discuss about such things with somebody not having any idea of interesting challenging content.

> > >

> >

> > I don't get how you can say this, if you ask me, this instability is one of the best instabilities there currently is.


> Why do you think people like Vince or me have actual "trouble" clearing this? I had no problem doing 100CM with slipperly slope, it's just that it is not fun and not worth getting good at. It's such a bad mechanic.



Actually I know that both of you are decent players that should have no problem with this instab (I just quoted Vince, since he was the only name I recognized in a really long chain of comments that complained about SS).


I just see that Anet implemented something that changed up the daily routine of many players, something that provides an opportunity to get better at the game, to really master movement. And all people do is complain.


It makes me sad to see that people are this unwilling to learn - getting better at the game is what makes it fun to me.

Before this instability there was nothing left for me to improve on. Now there is something.


It's probably just that I moved too far past the daily grind routine in GW2. I'm at the verge of quitting this game for good and now I try to hold on to every tiny thing that could keep me engaged for some more hours.


Maybe this game is supposed to be dead for me, maybe I really should just let it die and move on.


tl;dr - you think it is a bad mechanic not worth learning, I think it is something that could provide me some more hours of fun in this game before I quit playing



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> @"spiritualabyss.7016" said:


> It makes me sad to see that people are this unwilling to learn - getting better at the game is what makes it fun to me.

> Before this instability there was nothing left for me to improve on. Now there is something.



I understand what you mean, don't worry. I just think people will quit because of this, not keep playing. For example, I just ran CMs+t4 with a couple of fractal gods and we just skipped 100cm because of "skippery slopes". I don't even blame them.


We got to Thaumanova boss and wiped, and it was fun. Because we had to adapt and bring reflect. Then it went smoothly. Lesson learned. But no matter how much you improve with slopes, you will never improve the fun you have with that.



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> @"spiritualabyss.7016" said:

> I just see that Anet implemented something that changed up the daily routine of many players, something that provides an opportunity to get better at the game, to really master movement. And all people do is complain.


You won't become a better player at the game with this instability, that's for sure, lol!


It's just an annoying one and doesn't bring any additional value to the whole thing compared to many others.

You also do not seem to realize that even before you play it it is one of the worse since it had to be deleted from most of the fractals and blocked at several places in others. That alone is a ~~joke~~ strong indicator for a very poorly made instability.

The fun part is that you guys defend this insta so hard. What on earth is so cool about it? It's ridiculous funny the first seconds and then? It's boring & annoying af. Like I said compare it to Outflanked or No Pain no gain, in which good groups do have a counter option and bad groups will be bad like the one I had to carry today on a casual Aetherblade run.


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> @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > You're basically throwing an entire set of opinions in the trashcan because they disagree. And justify this by claiming they don’t play on you're level without prove.

> >

> >


> All relevant titles, 600+ 100CM KPs, 1800+ LI, did CMs+T4 daily for a long time. Want me to proof this? Or do you want me to write a scientific essay on the topic?


> Also, *your


first the prove i talked about is at what level the others are playing.

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > You're basically throwing an entire set of opinions in the trashcan because they disagree. And justify this by claiming they don’t play on you're level without prove.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > All relevant titles, 600+ 100CM KPs, 1800+ LI, did CMs+T4 daily for a long time. Want me to proof this? Or do you want me to write a scientific essay on the topic?

> >

> > Also, *your


> first the prove i talked about is at what level the others are playing.


Obnoxious. Up to them to add weight to their assumptions and claims. But yeah, I read stuff like t4 only, mass reaper groups etc and I see screenshots of 3x guardian + deadeye + power tempests. These are the people who find this insta fun.


I throw these opinions in the trashcan because that's where they belong. Removing this insta from the game wouldn't make them quit it, leaving it in does make people quit. That's enough reasoning for me.

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I can see how this instability could be fun for casual Fractal players, who hop into that content every now and then just to have some fun.


For the hardcore crowd speed clearing that content (CM's+T4+Recs in <1h) daily, it's a nightmare.

Not because of the challenge it provides, the two times it was active in a row now for 100CM took 17 and 16 minutes, instead of the usual ~15 or less, but simply because it's incredibly annoying and completely lacks a counter.

It just adds 1-2 Minutes of fighting the controls over the course of the Fractal. That's it.


Looking ahead to the next year, the thought of having to deal with this instability on at least one Fractal almost every single day severely diminishes my desire to keep playing Fractals daily.

While I probably won't actually stop, at least for some time, I can't imagine disgruntling the hardcore Fractal community was or is the design goal.


I simply don't want to play with this every, or every other day.


The fact that we had the instability twice in a row on 100CM immediately (make that three times in a row), shows why it is a bad idea to have an instability like this that drastically changes the gameplay experience, while not providing an option for counter play.

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Fractals stopped being fun 1000 runs ago, there isn't a single instability I can think of that could be added that would be fun. I just want to go in, do CMs + T4s + recs and go about my day. I would be fine if they just removed instabilities from fractals altogether, since they don't add anything interesting to the encounters anyway, just annoyances.

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> @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > > You're basically throwing an entire set of opinions in the trashcan because they disagree. And justify this by claiming they don’t play on you're level without prove.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > All relevant titles, 600+ 100CM KPs, 1800+ LI, did CMs+T4 daily for a long time. Want me to proof this? Or do you want me to write a scientific essay on the topic?

> > >

> > > Also, *your

> >

> > first the prove i talked about is at what level the others are playing.


> Obnoxious. Up to them to add weight to their assumptions and claims. But yeah, I read stuff like t4 only, mass reaper groups etc and I see screenshots of 3x guardian + deadeye + power tempests. These are the people who find this insta fun.


> I throw these opinions in the trashcan because that's where they belong. Removing this insta from the game wouldn't make them quit it, leaving it in does make people quit. That's enough reasoning for me.


First, do you really feel that everytime people make a suggestion they have to prove themselves?


Secondly, you're still just assuming without prove.


Third, an opinion is not less valuable if their not the top. If you're standpoint is the stronger one you should be able to argue it without using the argument of authority.


And last, you can't just assume nobody will leave if they remove it.



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None of the instabilities, no matter how hated by others, ever really seem bother me.

I like the idea of counterplay, though. Makes me wonder why the Slippery Slope mechanic isn't indeed affected by stability as that would be an interesting way of handling things. But it currently works like a No Pain No Gain with non-removable boons. Something we'd preceive as pretty annoying given how much PowerDPS would suffer from the premanent Protection, similar to the crazy high Toughness before the big rework years ago.

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I don't want it removed. I just want it changed into something that has counterplay - in that I can avoid its effects in crucial or personally chosen moments because I did something. Something that rewards good gameplay like the other new instabilities are good, and I'm fine with those. I don't want things like _kek, in this one you can't control your character haha_!

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It is clear that few people here are trying to keep slippery slope . So it will change ''elitists" group's gameplayer (somehow ) or just needlessly makes "speedrun " (in their mind ) impossible. therefore it will annoy elitists and force them to quit (somehow ). they do not care about how this instability will hurt every T4 group (pug or speedrun ).


The fun part of it is not about whether we could overcome it with any new strategy or team comp or not but the fact that the so-called elitists will quit.

Feeding this post will do nothing to address the actual issue.


Let's just all hail to the selfishness of humanity and embrace Xera with slippery slope but without the players.

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> And last, you can't just assume nobody will leave if they remove it.


I won't go through all the yadda yadda but have you at least read your very own sentence here? People been playing without that garbage instability for 6 years. Why would they leave after it get removed?


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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> I can see how this instability could be fun for casual Fractal players, who hop into that content every now and then just to have some fun.

Trust me, for casual players it's even worse. Apart from maybe the first time it's seen.


In fact, on average instabilities in general are less fun for casuals than hardcores. Hardcores do not even notice most of them, while for casuals they can be a difference between a smooth run and a wipe. There's no accident that most of threads complaining against specific instabilities/instability combinations are made by casuals (and not supported by hardcores). This one is exceptional in being pretty much universally disliked.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > And last, you can't just assume nobody will leave if they remove it.


> I won't go through all the yadda yadda but have you at least read your very own sentence here? People been playing without that garbage instability for 6 years. Why would they leave after it get removed?



Because it has been added so their will be people we have gotten a fondness for it. On the same reason but probably on a lesser scale why their would be people of the initial playerbase who leave if mounts where removed.


And you might be surprised but I am in favor of changing ss. I honestly was trying to help you.


But it's clear you have no interest in an actual discussion so good luck.

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > @"Grogba.6204" said:

> > I have my doubts that players actually supporting this garbage play fractals frequently enough to have an educated opinion on how annoying this is but I get it, "get gud", eh?


> I do play fractals reasonably often when I need some daily gold. Ordinary T4 is/has been a snoozefest for a very long time. There's almost nothing that can be failed in regular T4. You can just facetank everything and ignore almost all mechanics and the only time you really need the other 4 people is for things like the panels in Underground. Sadly I don't do CMs as often as I'd like since the LFG usually isn't looking for condi scourges and I refuse to play my BS or Reaper for them. But even CMs is really boring in meta comps where you do quick phases.


> Interesting fractal instabilities like this is a breath of fresh air. Anything that adds randomness and forces people out of their comfort zones is good. Players must be forced to adapt and react on the spot rather than just doing the same memorized pattern of movement and rotation until it's perfected into boring soulless smoothness.


It always depends on the people you're doing stuff with if said stuff really is a snoozefest or rather a clownfiesta. Especially ordinary T4 PUGs can be an incredible clownfiesta - especially more so if you get some nasty instability-combinations in certain fractals like Last Laugh, Toxic Trail and some other stuff like Afflicted in Twilight Oasis. Maybe you're mistaking fractals as a snoozefest because you play a high-survivability-class or maybe you have decent friends you can play with? I don't know - but my PUG-experience is quite ambivalent. Either I'm lucky and have people which can pull their weight (which is rather rare) or I'll end up in a horrible clownfiesta.


The thing is though - especially in PUGs - that almost always the support-classes take the brunt of artificial difficulty created by weird instabilities and that's why your post actually triggers me slightly. If you really facetank everything and ignore mechanics, your supports actually do your work for you and - in a certain kind of sense - carry you through the content. It's already quite a pain in the ass to play a support-spec and it only gets worse due to weird balance-changes and weird instabilities. That's why I perfectly understand people who want to get rid of instabilities altogether - especially since weird instabilities affect the casual ordinary T4 crowd a lot more than people who regularly do CMs.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> If you really facetank everything and ignore mechanics, your supports actually do your work for you and - in a certain kind of sense - carry you through the content

Necro heals itself with Contagion more than any support can just by doing dps + barriers.

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