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Random problem with staying in combat


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Anyone getting this random problem of getting stuck in combat even with nothing around you or even if you wp'ed? I only exit combat when I switch weapons - this has only started happening recently. I've been using my holo a lot so I noticed it then, but switching to my thief I am also getting the problem (I suppose it can also be triggered if you have a fight, but you stay in combat even if the enemy dies). In any case, if you find you are randomly in combat while you are at keep, just do a weapon swap and it goes away.

Update: ah, just also realised there was another thread with similar issue.

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Being stuck in combat is a relatively common bug that been in the game since launch... It's not constant, which make hard to determine what exactly trigger it.


Some ways to help mitigate it would be: Kill siege engines if you hit them during combat (They count as enemies, same with gatesbut those you should just walk away); Don't try to do non-combat actions while on Photon Forge (It counts as combat for some purposes); Walk away from supply depots as those count as enemies for whatever reason; Fully capture a objective where the fight happened as sometimes the marker on ground trigger combat (More common on camps).

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