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HoT Mastery Track Decision


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Presently, I have 12 points to spend on a HoT mastery track. I have them all maxed out experience wise, but have to decide which one to master:


* Ley Line Gliding

* Adrenal Mushrooms

* Exalted Gathering

* Nuhoch Alchemy


Even though I have a griffon, I’m leaning toward Ley Line Gliding. Would really appreciate some feedback before making my final decision though.

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If you ever intend to get the elite spec collections of hot, u will need exalt5 (it is otherwise useless)


leyline is a potential convenience in ds, bsf, potentially useful in other lw3 maps.


I personally seldom find adrenal mushrooms close enough to the content to be useful. If it had been a durational alacrity buff, or if it were like sirens landing's siren thingy which you can trigger when u want to, then potentially. But if I was fighting stuff, I'm not gonna stop fighting and jog to an adrenal in any team content, if there was even any nearby


P. S. If you havent done the lw3 mastery line yet, then those are also stuff there that you may find more useful, than some of those.

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You will need a certain tier of the Mushroom Mastery to be able to progress in the story.

You will need Itzel Poison Mastery to be able to participate in all areas of the Dragon's Stand meta.

Ley-Line Gliding is very practical.


You should make a prioritized decision, but ultimately leveling all would be smart.

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Absolute minimum HoT mastery rank recommended:

- Advanced Gliding - for the infinite gliding ability. This one will be of use outside of HoT areas too

- Itzel Language/Itzel Poison Lore - for access to Itzel merchants, Itzel Poison Lore for access to all HoT areas

- Exalted Acceptance/Exalted Gathering - Exalted Acceptance for access to merchants, Exalted Gathering if you plan on doing any of the specialization collections

- Nuhoch Hunting/Nuhoch Language - Nuhoch Hunting for additional resources across the entire jungle, Nuhoch Language for access to merchants


Of all these are to be considered must haves. Of top priority are the ones which are connected to an immediate goal. Otherwise stick to getting gliding to 5 asap.

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> @"casualkenny.9817" said:

> (Guys, he's only got the last of each of the 4 lines left to go)


TY for noting this — I’ve finished all the HoT mastery tracks except for the last one in each category.


Because it’s getting harder to collect mastery points now, I want to be extra careful before spending the 12 that I have … thanks to everyone who’s commented so far for all the advice.


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Ah misread, in case of only having the last line open, it's mostly between Exalted Gathering for the collections or Ley Line Gliding for mobility (and occasional movement in raids). I'd personally recommend Exalted Gathering since I enjoy collections. Adrenal Mushrooms are very nice to have, but not required. Nuhoch Alchemy is nice to have, but absolutely the least important one out of the 4.

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> @"Ouija.1684" said:

> Presently, I have 12 points to spend on a HoT mastery track. I have them all maxed out experience wise, but have to decide which one to master:


> * Ley Line Gliding

> * Adrenal Mushrooms

> * Exalted Gathering

> * Nuhoch Alchemy


> Even though I have a griffon, I’m leaning toward Ley Line Gliding. Would really appreciate some feedback before making my final decision though.


Exalted Gathering is necessary for Elite spec weapon collections iirc. So i'd probably go for that... If you have a Griffon, that makes Ley Line Gliding a bit less relevant, Adrenal Mushrooms are pretty much a gimmick (although they make that Hero Point where you eat the bad flesh in Auric Basin a bit easier). Nuhoch Alchemy is barely useful, really...

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Do you have all of LS3 to gather more MPs, because if so, it doesn't really matter what you pick.


As far as I recall, Ley Line helps you gather 1 MP in TD (above confluence wp) that you can't get any other way (even with griffon).

Also helps in Bloodstone Fen with general movement.


Nuhoch I think allows you to fight a champ that provides 1 MP the first time you beat him.


Adneral helps with the bacon HP in Auric and the Scrap Rifle adventure, though it's not necessary for either.


Exalted, like others have said is mainly for the ascended weapon collection.

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hmm, personally i would go for them in this order:

1. exalted gathering

2. leyline gliding

3. nuhoch alchemy or adrenal mushrooms (probs mushrooms first)


since you have griffon, leyline gliding is not that useful outside of LS3 (there's one MP in TD you need for it, but everything else is griffon-able iirc), and if/once you start going for MPs in LS3 you'll have enough for it in no time


sooo i'd say exalted gathering first for the specialization collections


adrenal mushrooms is pretty useless, except for that one HP in auric basin (but then, you just need someone w/ barrier or heals -- though it is nice how it does make that HP soloable if you need to unlock a lot of specs for chars), some fights where they ~just so happen~ to be around (mostly in VB, the tetrad fight off the top of my head), and uhh lemme think, it helps a bit with that one chak killing adventure in TD lol. but you don't really *need* it for anything 9999% of the time.


the nuhoch one gives a slight quality of life improvement in TD. it's nice if you do the meta often, but tbh i barely notice it. :P if you don't need more HPs for characters (or if you bounce on HP trains most of the time) i would go for this one before it, but otherwise i would go for adrenal mushrooms first. :')

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