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LI/LD Mailed after boss kill


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Hi. Can we get our LI/LD sended to us via mail in game ? Or just got it with final chest over minimap ? Today at Quadim I died at 2% cuz of lag spike. Then I see boos is dead and I was instantly kicked out from squad. When my ping is back I asked cmdr why he do this and he told me I died to much times over all fight. I was top dps but whatever... I wasnt 1st person who died... And now I cant repeat Quadim to get my LD ;/


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There is a reason why people can't get kicked during fights. Had the commander wanted to get rid of you, he could have called a gg and removed you from squad before proceeding. It is quite an intentionally harmful move since the commander should know that this locks you out from the weekly reward.


Only thing I can offer is: don;t worry to much about this. Yes, it hurts to lose out on 1 LD or so, but in the long run they will accumulate as everything else does. Make sure to block the commander (make a note why) and be sure not to PUG with him again.

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