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Signet of restoration bug


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Weaver is extremely weak and undertuned. I see almost no one playing Weaver, and when I do, they are usually on the ground or waiting to respawn. The signet will not fix how underwhelming Weaver is atm. Balance changes and new stat options could put them in a good place. My fear is that they will remain underwhelming for half a year until serious changes are implemented.

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> @mysticsicness.7598 said:

> My fear is that they will remain underwhelming for half a year until serious changes are implemented.


Balance should be every week small fine tunings like gw1 like someone recently mentioned.


Season doesn't matter if theres small meta shifts from minor alterations. Season shouldnt be an excuse to shelf the game and do nothing. To my knowledge they never did that to gvg everything went fine.

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[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/180996/#Comment_180996](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/180996/#Comment_180996 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/180996/#Comment_180996")


> **Bug Fixes:**

> Elementalist:

> Signet of Restoration: Fixed a bug that caused the passive heal from this skill to activate when mounting.


Aaaaand still disabled in game, great !

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It's currently being enabled now. You should be able to use it again in a matter of minutes from now. Assuming you have the new build.


Thanks for being responsive on this issue Ben, as well as nagging internally for the fix.


Really wish next time the communication could flow through the profession forum as well since it was an issue that affected all game modes, but your efforts are very appreciated.

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