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Specialization Meta Balance Ideas


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To preface this post, I've been thinking about how the game balance and Meta has been done for the last few years. Basically the expansion elite classes brought in a lot of power creep and over time piecemeal nerfs have happened to bring them down, but most times the nerfs are heavy handed and in some cases cause full regear or the class to drop out of meta all together. What I propose is an idea to rework the classes values with a clear focus on what the role is for that class specializations without the elite spec and then augment/specialize with the elite specs. This would be a perfect path for the new **rework** of boon generation access being reduced per class.


1. **Make the non elite specs a DPS Meta option for each class.** The non elite specs are what people generally use while in early pve and leveling up, but that's it. With the introduction of elite specs vanilla non elite specs just aren't viable even as a DPS option because we have too much power creep in the elite specs. What I propose is bring up the vanilla trait lines to make them the go to spec for either power dps or condi. Run the numbers and set it so the base vanilla specs are the Meta DPS option so that you aren't baring them from end game content. Group content tends to lean toward 4 support and 6 dps anyway so this would give more access to players as more people run dps builds anyway.



2. **Use the elite specs to specialize the class** On to elite specs. Currently we already use some of them as specializations and most of that won't need to change. If we bring up the vanilla classes as the Meta DPS option for either condi or power build then you can use elites as the thing that specializes them in other pve roles. Or have them be the power/condi meta build that the vanilla class wasn't. For example. Ranger vanilla is the base Power Meta build, highest power dps Ranger can get. Druid is the heal specialization. Soulbeast would be the boon spec with stance sharing mechanics. The next elite spec would be a meta condi dps spec. If they followed this format it would give each class multiple meta build options and at the root make all classes and build viable promoting more build diversity and promote more use of the non elite specs and give newer players a spot in end game content.



3. **Types of Meta Builds** To balance this you have to note the roles clearly and what the goal for the spec is. As current meta exist you have 5 build goals. Condition DPS, Power DPS, Tank, Healer/Support Boons. There's some interplay in some of these like Druid, Renegade, Firebrand being Heal/boons builds and Chrono being the Tank/Boons or DPS/Boons builds. We need more of the hybrid interplay to bring in new hybrid DPS/Boons builds. This will help with the transition to each class bringing less boons but also still doing viable dps or heal role in the group. A good balance comp could consist of 1 Tank/Boons build, 2 heal/boons builds, 2-3 dps/boons builds, 4-5 pure dps builds for 10 man content.



**_Example Balanced Spec Goals_**



Ranger: Highest Power DPS Spec with Condi DPS optional

Druid: Heal/Boons Spec

Soulbeast: Boon Spec with focus on Stance Share

New Elite Spec: Highest Meta Condi Spec, or a Tank spec



Elementalist: Highest Condi DPS with Power DPS optional

Tempest: Heal/Boons Spec specializing in aura share

Weaver: Highest Power DPS option

New Elite Spec: Tank or Boons Spec



Mesmer: Highest Power DPS spec with Condi DPS optional

Chrono: Tank/Boons spec

Mirage: Highest Condi DPS spec

New Elite Spec: Healer/boons spec



Warrior: Highest Power DPS spec

Berserker: Highest Condi Spec

Spellbreaker: Tank/condi removal spec

New Elite Spec: Heal/Boons Spec


I might break down some of the other classes later but you can understand the goal of the post based on the couple i listed. Feel free to discuss and add to the conversation. I'm interested to see what people think of this as a possible roadmap for future game balance.


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Healer and support are different enough to be separate roles (and rely on separate stats, just like power and condi DPS).


Tank isn't really relevant outside of raids, especially with passive defense being weak and aggro management practically nonexistent in most content. Tanking is just a variant of control (along with non-DPS condi and hard CCs), which isn't listed. Control isn't a primary role on any build that I know of, but it can be a significant secondary factor.


There's also a vague "utility" concept as a secondary role -- classes which can provide portals, or act as runners, or in other ways help with general non-combat tactics like skipping or special event mechanics.

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I would be happy if the flexibility we have atm stayed. I like to play power dps on my favorite character, if I were to do that I wouldn't even need expansions in this example. I play chrono mesmer (zerker gs/sword/focus). I don't play melee as much as I can so my main to use weapon is greatsword (I prefer ranged), thus I am instantly a non meta build due to that. I play open world content mostly. Raids is not my thing (and these are expansion content only), fractals I only do low tiers. The last I want is to loose the way I play my chrono (basically core mesmer but with chrono additions in form of wells and chrono traits) and be forced to play a tank/support.


From your example, core elementalist on condi also sounds trivial... The only decent condi stats are in HoT content and core players have no access to these unless they have this expansion.


Don't get me wrong, I understand your idea/opinion. But I like to play GW2 because of the fact youre not pushed into a certain role and that you have the full option to customise yourself to any sort of playing type regardless of specialisation or core line you pick.


Adding options to builds so that everyone has the option to play in any role they wish in any given spec and profession I am all for. However, they should fix current balance and powercreep before they move on adding more unbalance.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Easy way to balance classes is to remove raids. Raids are what completely disrupted the balance in the first place. Balancing classes around static targets or targets that have pre-determined motions/ques is a terrible way to balance. This is why there are so many brutal mismatches in PvP and WvW.


Hello ?


Which came first Raids, WvW or PvP ?


Raids didn't completely disrupt anything in this regard, if it wasn't clear the game wasn't balanced before raids so they aren't the problem.

Additionally pretty much since the last update before HoT we've had mode specific balance. PvP has entirely different numbers than PvE and WvW.



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