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Instrument's octave switch delay

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This is Sora Vanitas from Musicians Guild of Tyria

I'd like to let you know that many of the music communities are having this issue with octave switch where we can't do octave switch notes quickly. Yet, we have to double click it to have an access from middle octave to high octave, and it needs to be spammed from low octave to high octave, and we can't switch it a lot. Can you return the octave switch back like before the September patches? Is it possible? If so, please do so. We as musician community need this.


At the same time, we need new instruments to play such as Violin, Cello, Electric guitar, or Piano.

Also, is it possible to make the tune of Flute and Horn to be the same as Harp, Lute and Magnanimous Bell? Please do so if it is possible.


That's all for now, thank you!

We musician community would love your help in this as it is help to ease people's heart.



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Scitna from Musicians Guild of Tyria. I second this post. I mainly log on just to play the instruments and nothing else. I also know that I'm not the only one who does this. For my main source of enjoyment from GW2 to be hindered to this degree for this long is quite disappointing. To any devs reading this, please do something about this issue.

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Luna here, from Musician's Guild of Tyria [MGT] A few months ago this wasn't an issue, it was easy to play the harp in game with the octave switches. I love making songs using the GW2 instruments, it's hard to enjoy something you love when you get frustrated over this lagging octave switch issue. Macro players have also made comments of how the music they create doesn't properly switch or lags out when before it played just fine.


A lot of us appreciate the instruments that are in game, and it's a lot to ask for more instruments, but it would be wonderful to have more variety like we've seen with the legendary instrument additions! The violin or adjustments to previous instruments would be really nice! Lute is usually very quiet and gets overpowered by other instruments, and while flute is pretty it doesn't match well with the other key of the majority of the instruments. Thank you for the consideration and time to read this.

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My greatest enjoyment in this wonderful game is to listen and support our wonderful ingame Bards and i have bought many POF and HOT codes and instruments for players that show interest in creating ingame music including a handful of Minstrel Harps but to see them log out in frustration is really sad, PLZ PLZ PLZ fix this Arenanet. P.S Can you "donate" a dedicated Music Hall for the musicians? (Quite a lot of empty buildings in Salma *WINK WINK) Something they can control and can "kick" out the trumpet spammers. And maybe "Music Hall" could have ALL ingame instruments to "try before you buy"? Probably not possible but just my thoughts. JB

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Lovely Sushi is also here, from Musician's Guild of Tyria [MGT]. Many of us put this very simple part of the game, playing music obviously, even on top of doing contents. When the issue firstly happened, many of us sent tickets to support team which we were answered "issue spotted". Sadly, it has been a while and we're still struggling on this. Not going to talk about new stuffs, I don't really mind if more instrument to be added or not, I'm here waiting for the fix to fly. It has been a while, a long one, since the last time I see people gather around listen to music, right in the heart of Divinity's Reach...


Not being able to switch octaves like before, atleast for me, it makes big majority of the songs in our collection unplayable. Even some simple songs we used to teach new musician, are already hard enough to play it properly.

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Hey devs, this is Ceri from MGT and I’d like to chime in. This issue has affected me and many others since September now and a fix would really be great.


As someone who used to spend time playing (and now still tries, even if it sounds off) , this is quite the debilitating issue. This, on top of my terrible ping makes me feel like I should stop altogether as it is impossible to play as smoothly as I used to. I know that many musicians have stopped logging on because of this. We have built a stellar community around these in-game instruments, teaching people to play, playing together and even organising concerts for all to get together and listen — I’d be really sad to see all of this go.

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I'd bet that instrument functionality code piggybacks on some of the code from weapon functionality, and they must've changed delay timer between weapon swap and key press. And since the original code from instruments was probably created in the early gw2 development, it's possible that the person/persons who coded them no longer work at arenanet. And since programmers have a tendency to make messy code (which sometimes they do on purpose to tie themselves to that section of code so that if a company fires them, they essentially wouldn't be able to easily adjust that code without the original programmer), it's possible they don't know a way to detach instrument functionality from weapon functionality.

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Ima Mes of [TINY] guild here. Adding to what others have said in this thread, playing music (I have all instruments) was a major source of enjoyment for me. I would even play out in the middle of nowhere with no one around, just to enjoy playing, practicing manually, and tweaking macros. It would be wonderful if devs could just push this bug a [TINY] bit up the priority ladder as I almost never play any more. Spent a lot of monies on the instruments and they are just gathering pixel dust.

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Several of my guild members [LAME] are bards first and foremost and playing music brings them the most happiness in Guild Wars 2. Please fix the octave issue as fast as possible so the people who receive the most enjoyment from the game playing instruments can do so again. This bug affects a big part of the heart of our community, the joy of music all across Tyria.

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Devs, PLEASE please please fix this! I've been working on several macro music projects for a while, and my work is completely worthless now. I still enjoy playing by hand, but because the octave switch is unreliable it gets really frustrating. I'm really saddened by the dwindling number of musicians out and about.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This has been broken since NOV 2018. We're going on nearly half of a year without them seeking to fix this. Incredibly lame for all of us that spent the time to farm out and craft Legendary Instruments and / or purchased Instruments from the Black Lion Store. Also, the instruments are STILL available for sale despite being bugged, absolutely sleazy!


Maybe ANET should reimburse players who bought the instruments and crafted the Legendary Instruments if they're unwilling to fix the issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Mulfia.5120" said:

> Also, the instruments are STILL available for sale despite being bugged...

> Maybe ANET should reimburse players who bought the instruments and crafted the Legendary Instruments if they're unwilling to fix the issue.


I have been looking the forums daily since November, it has been half a year maybe even more at this point. I'll just REPOINT this for mention.

The only two devs updates we got since the bug got registered by the users, have been Gaile in January. And Stephan with the Original Bug Thread closed.

Both with the same update message: *"We will contact the Audio Team."*


> @"DarkHound.8521" said:

> Yes, few people from Audio developers has left Anet :( hoping the new ones would look this through to be honest


Wanting to perfect the Finale of Season 4 can be comprehensible... That said ONLY between March and Today.

It is uncomprehensible for the time it took before March; November, December, January & February. That was 4 months the actual bug was lingering I dunno where.


On a customer point of view; if they have no visible will to fix the issue, I think a refund will have to be inforced.

Or at least Temporarily remove the instruments from the Store until and if the issue is getting fixed. (<- Dunno why this line is bigger than the others...)


The Mods can warned me again for posting this message if they want... But I think this should prove more than enough, how much dedication I put into seeing this issue being fixed, since it's initial report to the Staff Team.


I love playing music in Game, especially when otherwise I would just turn in circle around a table. It doesn't look like it, but it makes the game more enjoyable, and not only for the Musician Community; but also the people that listen to our performances.

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What about inability to play staccatos, doesn't this also irritate you guys? I tried to end a previous note with cancel action, but this doesn't work as needed. Really miss a polished interface for instruments you have in FFXIV (hope it's not bannable offence to mention competition here :) though I don't like combat system there at all, GW2 has a much better one). Just look at this beauty:



Can we have something like this as well? Pretty please, Anet!

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