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What NA server has good fight guilds


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The meta since the expacs makes it incredibly difficult to win outnumbered zerg fights. There are organized guilds out there for sure, some better than others, but the smaller 'zergbusting' days of past are long gone at this point. Currently, the WvW meta depends on how many Firebrands, necros and revs you have in your squad as opposed to the enemy group.


You will, however, find some flanking guilds that hit backlines and midlines while two zergs are colliding.


You'll have better luck finding roamers who can fight (slightly) outnumbered than actual zergsbusting groups.

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> @"kins.3294" said:

> > @"Manucab.4573" said:

> > For NA prime timezone you can find decent guilds in: FA, AR, KN, GoM, BP, SoR, FC?, NSP?


> Thanks Manu, any recommendations between those?


If you don't mind toxicity and want to be more "elitist" I would say FA or KN. FC guilds are not gonna stay there for more than a few weeks/months in my personal opinion. AR is overly stacked in NA so the fights are easy mainly because of numbers. If you do mind those things I just mentioned you can pick any of the other servers.


Edit: I was looking closely and I think SBI is a good choice too rather than NSP!

Edit2: Sorry if I missed a server with a guild that is also good or offended you in some way, I respect (almost) all guilds and I just try to give my personal opinion to help! We can disagree and we will

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> @"Strages.2950" said:

> The meta since the expacs makes it incredibly difficult to win outnumbered zerg fights. There are organized guilds out there for sure, some better than others, but the smaller 'zergbusting' days of past are long gone at this point. Currently, the WvW meta depends on how many Firebrands, necros and revs you have in your squad as opposed to the enemy group.


> You will, however, find some flanking guilds that hit backlines and midlines while two zergs are colliding.


> You'll have better luck finding roamers who can fight (slightly) outnumbered than actual zergsbusting groups.


You can win outnumbered fights to this day as you could always there was just more bads back in the day is all.

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