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Suggestion on the changes of dynamic events


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I made a separate thread because this is not another post to complain about how Palawadan and the Great Hall have been changed in the latest update, but instead to address the rewards given from other events and sources throughout the game, or the lack thereof.

Can't say I totally disagree with the Istan changes; I like the notion that drove the developers to that decision, that players should spend their daily time in other content and areas as well. I do acknowledge though, and deeply respect the players who had the patience, persistence and willingness to spend countless hours farming those events and make profit out of them. However, let's take a look at how rewarding other areas in the game are. For years, the ONLY two events that reward a decent fixed amount of gold for their completion, have been Tequatl and Triple Wurm, giving 2g each. This is unacceptable, players should be rewarded for the time they spend in the game, not for the content they choose to do. There can be plenty of events which will be loved and considered amazing, if the developers show them some love and add gold rewards to them (or items that can be sold for gold, like Amalgamated Gemstones). Some examples below.

* **Maw of the Damned, The Desolation**: This event chain has been forever bugged, or gets bugged very easily. The rewards are only relevant to Path of Fire content (Trade Contracts, some recipes choice etc.). There's no raw gold awarded for the time and effort spent, nor other rewards that could be sold to other players via the Trading Post, on demand.

* **Serpents' Ire, Domain of Vabbi**: Similarly, this event has also been intentionally avoided by a huge chunk of the community, due to its imbalanced difficulty. Tweak the defiance bars of those enemies, let people have a better chance at completing it, and increase the rewards given so it attracts more attention.

* Additionally, why not **enhance event chains on other Path of Fire maps** to make them feel like meta world events as well? So players can re-visit those maps outside the need of achievement completion as well. It feels absurd that certain Path of Fire recipes require Amalgamanted Gemstones, yet there's no guaranteed Path of Fire content from which players can earn them. I believe the community will appreciate it a lot if major events across all Path of Fire maps are upgraded and added to a fixed time schedule (currently only Serpents' Ire is on a timer).

* **Dragon Stand**: You had altered the meta events on Verdant Brink, Auric Basin and Tangled Depths in a way that the pre-events are no longer required to do the final meta-event. Although I understand the reason why Dragon Stand event chain is meant to be completed as a whole, spending 1 hour or more on it is definitely NOT worth the time, considering the poor rewards. Let aside that players are forced to play in all other 3 Heart of Thorns maps in order to earn their currencies and purchase Machetes for the Noxious Pods of Dragon Stand. Please improve the way Machetes are acquired, and also enhance the final rewards throughout the whole Dragon Stand meta-event chain.

* **Several core Tyria world events that include too many pre-events and their final rewards are to spit at**. Like Claw of Jormag, Ulgoth, Taida Convington, Megadestroyer, etc.. They should give better rewards to compensate for the time spent.

* Minor events which on one hand are also part of some legendary precursor collections, but on the other hand no one wants to complete them unless they also need them completed. Because they are simply not worth anyone's time. **Increase the gold rewards from all events**, perhaps categorize them into event tiers so the rewards scale appropriately depending on the map level as well (e.g. doesn't make sense to receive 1g for killing a veteran creature with 2-3 hits in Queensdale, with a 15 minute event cooldown; but 5 silver is far more acceptable compared to a few copper).

* Or perhaps **change the account-wide Gold Find % to be functioning with event rewards as well**. This will incentivize players to login daily (for the 2% gold increase on the 28th day) and complete achievements to increase their gold gain from all events.

* You've been valiantly supporting the development of fractals and had stated that you want them to be the main source of raw gold. Now please explain, what possible sense does it make to purchase fractal encryption keys with GOLD, ... in order to receive gold? Yes yes, Integrated Fractal Matrices are also a way to get "free" keys. But not all players can or want to do CM's on a daily basis. **Remove or at least drastically reduce the gold cost of the encryption keys**. Every day, 30 keys are meant to be "Deeply Discounted" anyway.

* Last, but not least, please for the love of Kormir, **adjust all Orrian temple events into a scheduled timer** so people know exactly when to do the capture events. Remove the defense events entirely, let temples reset automatically. It's not about the precursor collections, I'm aware you changed collection parts to be acquired from the defense events as well. It's about giving a better experience to new players, once they know that at XX:XX time they can go to Orrian temple X, Y, Z and grab their rewards.

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When did doing events become THE path to acquiring loot? I don't see any reason why they should give massive rewards. Participating in them is fun, which is supposed to be the point of playing. And when did collecting gold become the point of the game? Personally I have no issue with how things are. I almost never 'gold farm' (really I occasionally participate in those events more for the fun of it, and do so rarely), yet I have enough gold to buy anything I want. The real problem is that players seem to think that within a couple of weeks of buying the game, they ought to be fully levelled, geared, and rolling in cash. GW2 is a game of long-term goals. That's part of the fun. Instant rewards = no challenge = boring play.

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Where did you see the word "massive" exactly? ANet wants to urge players to participate in multiple daily activities and events. So improving other areas overall -and not necessarily in a "massive" manner- will keep even those who want to earn gold more interested, so they won't visit just that one map and live there 24/7, but cycle around various activities, each to their personal preference and perspective of what they deem fun.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> When did doing events become THE path to acquiring loot? I don't see any reason why they should give massive rewards. Participating in them is fun, which is supposed to be the point of playing. And when did collecting gold become the point of the game? Personally I have no issue with how things are. I almost never 'gold farm' (really I occasionally participate in those events more for the fun of it, and do so rarely), yet I have enough gold to buy anything I want. The real problem is that players seem to think that within a couple of weeks of buying the game, they ought to be fully levelled, geared, and rolling in cash. GW2 is a game of long-term goals. That's part of the fun. Instant rewards = no challenge = boring play.


I agree that doing content for fun is the most important aspect, you can't really argue that reward structures influence player choice. Many struggle to find adequate squads to take on meta's that don't provide good rewards. Those which provide good rewards often have several recruiting squads, but those other events are often not complete-able. That isn't fun. That's why balancing reward structures is important.

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> @"Naeleen.7601" said:

> had stated that you want them to be the main source of raw gold


Did they really say that? :open_mouth: How disappointing! :( A 50-people squad in the open world is the real massively multiplayer experience and it's way more fun than a 5-man group in a claustrophobic instance. Not to mention the elitism in Fractals. Yuck! Every MMO has boring instanced content but GW2 is the only one with a proper open world event system, it should be the best at everything including earning Gold.

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