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[Suggestion] Mutilations/Permanent injuries (new cosmetics)

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As the caption says :) Facing dragons should leave a scar or two, and not on your soul only :)


To clarify a couple of things:


1. First of all - as any cosmetics, it's totally up to player whether to actually apply it.

3. Idea is designed in such way that will allow Anet to make some profit from it - because let's be realistic, as a commercial company that's their main motivation while developing content


Now, the idea itself:


1. Once in a while (quite rarely), after a particularly (relatively) tough battle you'll get rewarded with an "Injury" cosmetic item. Can be just a general item, thus allowing you to apply any injury modification from a long list to your character's model, or could be a more specific one (like, limited to a certain body part and/or type of injury); the later, I believe, would be more profitable to Anet (as such more random nature of the drop would present lower chance to get exact injury you need, forcing you to consider buying it)

2. As with other gem-store items, it should be account-bound, may be even soul-bound on acquire (will make it more personal thing, sort of, the more you play some character, the more injuries they may accumulate)

3. Upon application it becomes permanent modification. The only way to restore model's original state will be a paid gem store item (may be also extremely rarely dropped from BLC) - consider it a state of the art magical medical procedure, restoring your lost limb or other organ, which only the richest can afford :) Or, the "Total Makeover Kit" which is already in the game, could receive a new ability of removing one injury of your choice, besides its current functionality

4. In addition, you can purchase the exact injury you need for gems at store any time - as with any other cosmetics

5. For our fellow PvPers who shun PvE activities completly, there should be an option to buy a random injury item for some currency you can only earn in PvP battles (yet the price should be fairly high), or acquire it as a reward for exceptional achievements

6. Injuries may be literally anything (some limited to certain races): lost limb (substituted with a prosthetic one; those can as well come in different tiers, you'll get a very simple crude for free, but can buy a fancier one later), eye, ear, horn (Charr), a through-hole in your chest (Sylvari), a never-healing, rotting wound - or a simple nasty scar

7. Upon adding this to the game, all non-free account game characters starting from level, say, 30, actively playing around that period will get one soul-bound random injury item for free, to set a start for it, and serve as appetizer ;)


So, what do you think?

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Thanks, **Just a flesh wound**! An appreciation of this idea from somebody with such a nickname should really mean something :D


Regarding technical side of this - I have no idea how customizable models in GW2 are. But it's certainly something that can be arranged by a game-developing company of such scale as Anet, it's only a question whether it's economically feasible.

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