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Which Living World Maps do you return to often? Why?


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I'll just go through all of them


**Dry Top** - I rarely go here. I hate geode farming. I dont like the map, even with mounts.

**The Silverwastes** - I go farm here sometimes, its my favourite repetitive farm and always has been. Also the JP is fun.


**Bloodstone Fen** - A good hang-out place, just fun to glide around.

**Ember Bay** - I go back to do Chalice of Tears and take some nice screenshots

**Bitterfrost Frontier** - Berry farm occasionally for unbound magic. Screenshots too.

**Lake Doric** - I barely ever go here unless I wanna visit the pretty spots of this map.

**Draconis Mons** - Flax farm, farming for druid stone, chilling

**Siren's Landing** - Chilling, JP, achievements


**Domain of Istan** - I go do the metas once in a while and just run around the map and screenshot

**Sandswept Isles** - One of the favourite maps of mine so I go back here a lot just because. I like sitting in the boat.

**Domain of Kourna** - I avoid this map

**Jahai Bluffs** - TORNADO TIME! And shrooms.

**Thunderhead Keep** - Achievements, chilling, screenshotting, enjoying the content.

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I like to use those maps for dailies whenever I can - like if the daily vista or gathering is shiverpeaks, I use bitterfrost, if kryta I use lake Doric, if heart of maguuma then bloodstone fen, if Orr, siren’s Landing, and of the desert the first 4 maps of S4. And I visit them all a bit because they’re beautiful and fun

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**SANSSWEPTTTT ISLAAHHSSS**, as number 1 fan of Inquest I enjoy wandering here each day to do all events and farm those marvelous Difluorite crystals. Sometime I sit somewhere in eastern complex betting on who will win between the centurion mark V golem and awakened abomination. Also do my daily visual assessment always got 5/5, guess I'm operational.

As said before, ignore domain of kourna, go at jahai just for the shrooms, I like hallucinogenic shrooms.

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> @"Bolshie.6137" said:

> Unless there's an achievement or three which catches my eye, I rarely return to the maps once I've completed the story. I assume this is fairly common, but wonder what the exceptions are.


I use LS3 maps pretty often for easy karma, and since it's all old stuff that I don't need to make sure I save unbound magic for anymore, I use unbound magic for obsidian shards to save karma for other things. There's only a few things left for me to buy in those maps if I wanted, like more aqua breathers and a few more God backpacks from Siren's Landing so most the map currencies get converted to unbound magic with which to buy obby shards with.


LS4 maps I still have some minis I'd like to buy (the karma prices are pretty high so ti takes awhile to get that much) and because they're still current so I don't know what all I'll still need volatile magic for I don't throw it around like I do unbound magic. Logically you'd think I'd do the maps more in order to have more volatile magic and currencies for the things I want but realistically it actually causes me to visit the maps less because I see them less as a farm for convenience and more as a tedious grind., particularly the Kourna ascended back.. I'm so far away from having the necessary 500 inscribed shards that it makes me not even want to go to the map and grind them. I felt the same way about LS3 maps when they were new and I actually needed the currencies for things I felt like I'd rather do anything else and it felt like a boring chore to be there... but once I no longer needed to hoarde them it became no big deal.

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Bloodstone Fen daily for blood rubies, trying to outfit all my alts in full trinkets and back except the few using PoF stats

Bitterfrost for winterberries

Sandswept isles for trinkets for PoF stats

Silverwastes for chest farm and because it is just cool

Istan for meta farm

Rest for map completion on alts, achievement hunting and quick dailies

I also use UB and Doric,sirens,draconis for cheap Ascended trinkets to salvage for matrices.


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