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Missing / Checkboard character or NPC textures [Merged]

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I've encountered this issue numerous times in the personal story (as others have said, with Zojja) but also with other characters, some of them only minor characters who appear in the story for one particular mission. Sadly at the time I didn't think to record them and have only now thought about looking up the issue. (Just noticed that LightningFalcon.4928 posted above one of those characters from my human/male story). I just had it happen to an Ooze Projection from an event in Metrica Province at the heart just north east of Jeztar Falls. It's a little bit frustrating as the art quality in the game is one of it's stand out features. Hopefully the GW2 team can get it resolved before I continue into the expansion content - because I've never seen those characters before!

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I had this problem yesterday while leveling my asura and today with my sylvari

http://prntscr.com/mgzhth - can't remember the quest name (Zojja) :s

http://prntscr.com/mgzgwp - Seeking the Zalisco quest (Chief Dekkit)

http://prntscr.com/mgzgc2 - Stealing Secrets quest while listening behind the door (the ministry guard)

http://prntscr.com/mgzfvv - Down the Hatch quest before the drinking competition (Tybalt)

http://prntscr.com/mh0f20 - Down the Hatch quest (Tybalt)

http://prntscr.com/mgzfen - Down the Hatch quest in the end (Tybalt)

http://prntscr.com/mgzhc7 - Trouble at the Roots quest (just a random ooze)

Tybalt is missing texture only in some dialogues

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I've been going through the first few chapter of each stories for each race for the achievements,

I put up a few untextured glitches earlier. but...

The texture bug is still around. Last bit of asura and few parts in the sylvari's bit.

Note - I played the asura one yesterday before the patch so I don't know if its been fixed, however, I am just gonna post it encase.


Asura - Chapter 1

The inquest guy is untextured - https://www.dropbox.com/s/0dok4hz23hf9zzb/gw445.jpg?dl=0

Also later on Zojja is untexted again at the lake part, looking for tha chunk of the artifact


Asura - Chapter 2

Talking to mink after you rescue him after the bandits, and In your lab looking at the diagrams, both times Zojja is untextured - https://www.dropbox.com/s/3m2snueizg7a922/gw449.jpg?dl=0


Asura - Chapter 3

Rescuing that professor, Zojja is untextured - https://www.dropbox.com/s/gfiv9mn5237qtcb/gw450.jpg?dl=0


Sylvari - Chapter 3

When you are a bandit, you are untextured but Cai sin't. https://www.dropbox.com/s/r7sw64udx30vdve/gw453.jpg?dl=0


**I also encounter a VERY VERY strange bug during the sylvari's 2nd chapter.

When you're in the nightmare court's area in disguses for whatever reason it played the same scene TWICE! The scene where you see first that knight of embers person.

The first time the scene played, she was untextured (here is the screenshot) https://www.dropbox.com/s/b43e6xqyrfjjx8u/gw452.jpg?dl=0

However when it played that same scene for the second time, The ember knight was normal... what is going on? She was untextured before.**

I don't know if the game broke or something, but scenes should not be playing twice.

The scene played a second time when I went to rescue the wardens, I think there is suppose to be a scene with you talking to the wardens, if so, it didn't show me that one.


Also I'll be going through the Norn story either tomorrow or the day after if i find any texture oddities I'll post them when i am done.

Surprisingly enough the Human story didn't have any textures glitches for me. Maybe I choose the paths that didnt have any errors?

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The latest update said it has been fixed but I've only just encountered it again.

It happened in the Sylvari Personal Story. Not sure if it shows up in other scenarios so here is the exact spot it took place in:

Starting with the "Where Life Goes" quest, "Chapter 2: The Teachings of Ventari", the cinematic in "A Different Dream". Here, the Knight of Embers is checkered. I don't remember if the next cinematic involving her is also broken or not.

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According to the Patch Notes on the fifth, problems like this should have been gone by now. The thing is, the problem still persists as you can see in the picture down below:

![](https://i.imgur.com/9YPt0LK.png "")



It doesn't seem to be as extreme as before (I haven't seen any in-game cutscenes affected by it like in Season 2), but it's still very much present in the Personal Story and in dungeons. It's quite distracting and eerie. I'm hoping that someone from the team will be able to explain if any progress about this issue is going to be made or what might be causing it. Do I need to repair my client?

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Been having this issue as well with two of my characters at the low level personal stories. Any ideas on how to fix? It is VERY immersion breaking to just have this checkered box person talking all the time. Form the Apothecary because I was a street rat, to the first soldier in the tutorial... As well as the Doc trying to poison the wells. It's getting irritating. :/

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i am also experiencing this issue i believe it is only happening in personal story cut-scenes for me at least . i haven't see this problem in PoF or HoT quests yet. i have noticed it on multiple characters of different races an classes and the same cut scenes don't all ways have the issue e.g i did the early part of the char story and one time it had the issue and the other it did not


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