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Suggestion: Crystal Desert Story Line - don't kick out of instance


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There are a couple of places when doing story in the Crystal Desert where if you start to stray out of the instance, you get the message "you are going to be kicked, blah, blah" and you barely have time to read it before you are kicked and have to start over again. One is over to the left after you exit the mine in the "Sparking the Flame - Approach the Northern Gate of Amnoon" chapter. If you go snooping in that exterior mine area, you get the message and "poof", you're out. I know, I know, the map shows outlines of the instance but who's paying attention to that while jumping around on your raptor? It sure would be nice that, instead of getting kicked out, you were just punted back a few tiles like you are when you travel too far into the ocean. Story lines can be aggravatingly long without this happening. Plzkthx.

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