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Charr Axe Fiend, Charr Archer, Charr Necro...armor sets.


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Hello everyone!

I recently had some thoughts on the armor pieces for Charr and I came up with a conclusion that we could really do with some more Charr-related armor sets, or even outfits.

That being said, I made a Charr Axe Fiend inspired Charr today and I realized I'm lacking specific pieces to make it look really authentic, but still I managed to pull off the best I could.

However, it would be amazing to see the Charr Axe Fiend outfit/armor for the Charr. The beautiful helm, the armored neck! The armored neck/plated neck always fascinated me about these Charr in GW1.

A full helm taken from the Charr Axe Fiend would be amazing!

Here's a picture for reference: ![](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/archive/0/0b/20100216140402%21Charr_warrior.jpg "")


What I'd also love to see are the sets and style taken from the Charr Archer, Charr Necromancer, Charr Shaman (from GW1), the set pieces that show more fur/fur pattern so it's not concealed under a ton of armor and skirt-like leggings. Charr look much better in normal leggings without extra capes.

More customization options would be more than welcome too, a Pyre Fierceshot inspired face for example.




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Charr armour has advanced a little over the last few hundred years, but I kind of agree - it would be nice to have some cultural sets along these lines that are designed specifically for charr. Even the best of the shared armour skins/outfits end up looking like appropriated norn armour on a charr.

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