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breakbar for player


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> @"derd.6413" said:

> was one of the things "promised" with HoT we never got


We actually had player break bars for a short time. I can't recall if it was changed before HoT release after beta weekend feedback or shortly after HoT release. The developers felt it didn't work well on players, so the few skills which had it were changed to stability.

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Didn't Reaper and Tempest have a breakbars in one of their alpha/beta stages?


We also had healthbars turning yellow shortly to show the damage they would take in the PoF demo when the devs were playing on livestream iirc which I know a bunch of people have requested to show how much damage they're going to take from condis if not cleansed. And it wasn't there when we got to play the PoF demo. I think they removed it because it shared color and functionality with how barriers looked on the healthbar or some such.

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Maybe not the exact same as the defiance bar, but it would be nice if we had an immune period after it breaks while it recharges. No more chain cc. It can be set up so that control conditions still go through so that its not op.


Then you can play around with traits and skills that affect this bar. Maybe stability will cause it to recharge slower, while fear makes it recharge more quickly.

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