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Renegade Utilities


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Well, I do believe that ANet wanted renegade to be flexible, it complements a condition build so you can go full condition power (as none of the core legends other than mallyx work for a condition build and there's no ranged condition weapon either), but they didn't want it to be forced into that setup.


I believe elite specs are designed in a way that favors one type of damage over the other without making the latter useless.


Sadly, that's the sort of thing that leads to statements like the OP's here: the class doesn't really feel specialized at something, which is a specific revenant issue a you can't select the appropriate utilities, you get the whole set.


on the upside, that's also how I managed to make a condition herald and have it work. :D

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I'm with @"Kain Francois.4328" on this. Damage in this game naturally defaults to power. However Revenant power builds aren't that diverse either, as many of them rely on Shiro and mostly Glint. The thing is that Revenant doesn't use its utilities in the same way another profession might. So when Revenant does condi it isn't drawing the bulk of that from any given ability or power. This is why you can use Shiro in condi builds even though it's a power build mainstay. It's how the ulitlities enhance what you already are doing that matters in many cases. Some Legends provide direct abilities, like Ventari, Kalla, and Jalis to some extent but many of them enhance the action already taking place (Shiro, Mallyx, Glint, and Jalis to some extent).


So when it comes to a condi build it isn't "what power do I take to do condi damage?" but "what power do I take to enhance the condi damage I intend to do?" Depending on how that question is answered you can come at it from several different directions. This pretty much means that a lot of your utilities do in fact deliver condi damage. Revenant doesn't have one condi damage utility, it has many. It just requires you to think of a condition build beyond "bam I hit with all this condi damage, try to survive that!!!"

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> Well, I do believe that ANet wanted renegade to be flexible, it complements a condition build so you can go full condition power (as none of the core legends other than mallyx work for a condition build and there's no ranged condition weapon either), but they didn't want it to be forced into that setup.


> I believe elite specs are designed in a way that favors one type of damage over the other without making the latter useless.


> Sadly, that's the sort of thing that leads to statements like the OP's here: the class doesn't really feel specialized at something, which is a specific revenant issue a you can't select the appropriate utilities, you get the whole set.


> on the upside, that's also how I managed to make a condition herald and have it work. :D


I really don't see Elite builds working in that fashion as both Glint and Kalla can go into power or condition builds. We, as players, have defaulted to using Glint for power and Kalla for condi but when you look at what the powers are doing neither of them are slanted specifically one or the other. Elite specs do provide a focus but it isn't a focus on damage type but attack style.

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