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Low FPS issues after last few patches

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Game was running pretty smoothly on initial PoF release, but about two patches ago it started lagging to the point it's unplayable. Especially in the Amnoon part of the map, which was fine on the release.. even with a huge number of players in the area. Now it's like watching a slideshow regardless if hardly anyone's there or not.

WvW has a lot of stutter, and once there's a large number of players on the screen it practically crawls to a halt. I've made sure my Firewall's not interfering with the game, Tried the lowest possible graphic settings, made sure my Nvidia driver is up to date, GameBar is turned off and tried restarting my internet connection to see if that made any difference.

No luck! Anyone have any advice or experiencing the same issues?


It's a pretty new PC, GW2 is the only game I have on it so I doubt is a memory issue. Here's my specs:

Windows 10

AMD FX-4300 Quad-Core Processor 3.80 GHz

8.0 GB

64bit OS x64-base processor

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050

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So, I'm not alone about having this problem. It was fine at first but then a few days ago i got extremely low fps, especially around Amnoon it's unplayable, even when there's no people around. If i turn my settings to lowest, it's still way too low fps and on top of that it looks really ugly.


The rest of the game are fine, Tyria and HoT runs smooth with max settings, so what is wrong with PoF?


I don't know my computers spec and i can't check it atm but i can add it later if needed.

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So it's not just me then, seeing a lot of low FPS posts. Guess there's nothing we can really do about it, I mean, I tried just about everything I could on my end!

I'd send a ticket, but I'm sure they're swamped with weeks worth of them, plenty describing the same issues as mine. Maybe I should just in case though.. if location plays into it at all.

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+1 here, actually I was experiencing this problem for MONTHS now. Mostly in WvW, but happens in other places too. it is like flipping a switch, now you have 7 fps and 150+ ping for no reason. it is VERY annoying and when it happens in high impact situations I get extremely frustrated. I haven't had this in any other games.

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Like a month ago friends of mine were experiencing the same. At Heart of Mists their average was between 40-60 and now is below 10. It came with an august update, in the first week. Both of them are playing with AMD cards, under W7 x64 and W10 Pro. We have already submitted a ticket and the response was equal with zero help. Someone should fix this thing ...

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I've had a massive drop in FPS lately as well. Pretty much making the game unplayable at 6-15FPS fairly consistently. A few months ago I was getting a consistent 60FPS. Nothing has changed in my setup. Very frustrating :(


Tried updating drivers, uninstalling and reinstalling GW2, reseating hardware... Don't know what else to do!!


Windows 10

AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series

Intel® Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz



Anyone have any advice?

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