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Fun interactions with soul beast


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Yes soulbeast needs some polish/buffs aka qol/tweaks but I absolutely love the feel of the spec. Wanted to share some fun interactions and stuff I've came across. What are some combos/tricks/gimiks y'all found


1: chaining together MM signet's with black bear is fantastic for 1v1ing warriors


2: running sharpening stone with bristle backs sharpen spine and with engangle /madking runes, and warhorn 4 makes for a crazy bleed burst


3: running the MM trait MoC with gs with sigil of severance makes for some very fun burst combos


4: not running Beast mastery and feel slow? Well spam hunters shot for some nice swiftness


5: the gm nature magic trait invigorating bond works quite nicely with spiritual reprieve for a 6k aoe heal with no healing power.


6: running sword dagger with a carrion Dev, with skirmishing and wilderness survivial, adventure runes and energy allows for near perma evades. (Cele hype?)


7: sic em and one wolf pack are a fantastic burst combo when used with warhorn 4, longbow 2, and long bow 5 works wonders with sigil of blood, omniberry pie, even better if you run ws refined toxins and the predator's cunning trait


8: between you and your pet you can get 17 secs of unblockable just weave in and out of soul beast take sig of hunt run mm with Clarion bond and warhorn





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Yeah being a major Celestial Gear advocate I really love Soulbeast, just switch traits and pets around and your entire build shifts using the same gear - archetype attribute bonuses complements the role you're aiming for quite nicely


+ Warhorn [5] and Unstoppable Union are currently bugged, once fixed, sooo much unblockables on the ranger

+ Smokescale's Smoke field now works when swapping pets, so warhorn, clarion bond and worldly impact with some canine leap is a LOT of stealth

+ Running a supportive drake pet with invigorating bond and healing spring with warhorn makes you a solid burst healer too, close to 12K burst heal _on zero healing power_

+ For sustain, Natural Healing and Signet of Renewal while melded to a supportive pet is a LOT of passive healing

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> @ProtoMarcus.7649 said:

> Yeah being a major Celestial Gear advocate I really love Soulbeast, just switch traits and pets around and your entire build shifts using the same gear - archetype attribute bonuses complements the role you're aiming for quite nicely


Never really could get cele to work to well post hot (also I really like seeing big numbers so I'd always run either zerk maurader or zerk/manders set up, the most I'd get out it is either might stack burst or bore fights to death, however outside of it's lack of utility and underperformance compared to other ranger weapons due to no utility or spike, I really like the **feel** of dagger what are the stats rune tweaks you like? Id really like to make a hybrid dagger build work

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What mode?


[**Celestial Condi** (PVE)](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQRAof3YnEqA1sgl8CO8Cs8iFDBrpDEsaBMBgR3pLv62dHvlcu4A-jVSFAB9pEsKlftt/wkq/kwBBAgHAQ76HS+IA47JAgUAQssC-w "Celestial Condi (PVE)")

+ Bleeds bleeds and bleeds - Cele of the Madking with Bleeds on Crit

+ Can switch **A/D** to Shortbow and change **Vicious Quarry** to **LoyF**, to which you can then also change **Wilderness Knowledge** to **Poison Master** but then you lose 4 condi cleanses

+ D/A - Don't forget to mix **Bonfire's** Fire Field with **Instinctive Engage's** Leap Finisher

+ For bounties/boss trains, I switch **Oppressive Superiority** to **Leader of the Pack** so that allies get stances


[**Celestial Condi** (WvW)](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQRAof3YnEqA1sgtsAO8CUtgFDBr5dFsaBMBgRXDIv6md/ulcu4A-jVSFABVp8rd9DTq+TCHEg+UCm8RAAgHAQb7P47JAgUAQssC-w "**Celestial Condi** (WvW)")

+ More condi cleanse

+ Mode condition damage mitigation (Second Skin)

+ More dodges (vigor) and evades (Lightning Reflexes and off-hand dagger)

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This is my typical power setup (Uses GS and LB though)


[**Celestial Power** (PVE)](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQJARTnUqAtCilsAWsAs8iFPB7ZFEASYM9qd1dLv0uantlMtEA-j1RBQBA4JAUk9Hy5lAoMK/akSwRp+De0FQKgxGaB-w "**Celestial Power** (PVE)")

+ If you need condi removal, **Raven** to **Jacaranda** and/or **We Heal as One** to **Bear Stance**

+ Amazing burst, even on Celestial gear, on optimal ''rotation'' you can deal 10-14K **Maul** and 12-18K **Worldly Impact**

+ (Beastmode) **Maul** >> **Hilt Bash** (on successful interrupt you gain Sigil of Severance's effect AND **Twice as Vicious** from the disable which is +7% dmg) >> **Maul** (gain 25% dmg on next attack) >> **Sic'em** + **Worldy Impact** = Huge Damage Burst. _You gain +25% From Attack of Opportunity, 40% From Sic'Em, 250 extra ferocity from Sigil of Severance, 7% from Twice as Vicious, 5% from Rune of Rage_

+ 78% Crit Chance and about 260%+ Critical Damage (again, all on celestial)

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Great post. This kinda stuff is why I'm lovin the Soulbeast.

You can get over 3000 power while melded with a ferocious pet, 25 stacks of bloodlust, power primary gear, food and util. My armor is still only exotic too, lol.

With MoC, if you follow an interrupt up with Worldly Impact you can get some crazy numbers.

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> @"Jaysin X.6740" said:

> Great post. This kinda stuff is why I'm lovin the Soulbeast.

> You can get over 3000 power while melded with a ferocious pet, 25 stacks of bloodlust, power primary gear, food and util. My armor is still only exotic too, lol.

> With MoC, if you follow an interrupt up with Worldly Impact you can get some crazy numbers.


Don't stop there!


* **Sigil of Severance** - _250 precision and Ferocity for 4s on successful interrupt_

* **Twice as Vicious** - _7% damage and condi damage on disable_

* **Sic'em** - _40% damage_ (applies to player when melded)

* On **Marauder** of Strength gear, you can get to 99.05% Crit Chance, 245%+ Crit Damage with 3557 power on 25 might stacks. _and uh... That's before Sigil of Severance's effect, ha!_

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Mmm.. I find Druid much better suited for WvW than Soulbeast. Soulbeast lacks sustain and defences when we are talking about fighting as roaming or zerg.


- unflinching fortitude, immunity from bear and SoS does not protect against condi damage or CC. Still you'll melt against most classes in WvW. Including condi warriors, although most used classes right now are the ridiculous condi mesmers, scourges and firebrands.

- Sic'em - only applies 25% increase damage when melded as it is reported in other threads.

- Signet of Renewal is still bugged.

- Stances don't bring enough sustain to play melee dps

- The amount of reflects is over the top. The only way you can use LB to do a minimal amount of damage is with SoH and the trait for signets.

- Not enough cleanses to fight the absurd amount of conditions firebrand or scourge can fart.


With druid:

- Staff is better than daggers or anyother weapon ranger has simply because Ancestral Grace allows you to pick up the destination.

- Celestial Shadow is basic and mandatory for survival. Without that you are just a free bag to get focused on.

- The heals provided by the Avatar covers the lack of sustain ranger has, because of the lacks of evades and blocks, which means it needs more heals than other classes: _We soak in damage to recover quickly_


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> @anduriell.6280 said:

> Mmm.. I find Druid much better suited for WvW than Soulbeast. Soulbeast lacks sustain and defences when we are talking about fighting as roaming or zerg.


1) Wrong thread there resident QQer

2) your saying stuff everyone knows and has talked about plenty in numerous threads

3) try adding something to the conversation for once


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- Merged with the Raven, pop Moa Stance, F2 and warhorn 5 for an instant minute of aoe swiftness (a bit less on allies as Moa stance only shares 50% and needs a trait for it).

- Melt break bars even faster with the Electric Wyvern by chaining its F2 with a merge and the F2 (knockdown) and F3 (pull) skills plus whatever you've got at hand (LB4, Axe4...)

- Pre-fight (say wvw roaming), have a pet Siamoth, forage the Plasma consumable with F2 for your friendly boonshare mesmer. With enemies in sight, share Moa stance and let the mesmer go to town between its own boons and the Plasma's, with 66% increased duration. (then cry as it all get stripped/corrupted, but ah...)

- Not sure about that one, but I wonder if the pet's non-F2 attacks get reset on un-merge. I seem to recall a few times having my drake blasting the healing spring, using merge to F2-blast it myself, then unmerging and having the drake blast it again. With traited pet swap and warhorn off-hand, that's a lot of blasts.

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