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How do you like to Play your Soulbeast in PvP?


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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > As a boonbeast usually I'm going on close, and after that, with swoop and speed I'm going mid to help the team.


> Interesting.

> If you dont mind me asking, what's your Rank?


I am only in gold, because I play on EU servers, I am from West side of Canada, and at 6-8 pm my time, in EU is 4-6 am. So very few ppl are playing at that time.

I play for fun only, I don't try too hard for a rank. I got my Legendary rank 3 years ago, so I don't need it anymore :) . Anyway was too painful and stressful to get that title.

Now the matchmaking in sPVP it is pure luck, or at least it is for me at my playing time. Even in Gold III sometimes I don't believe how could ppl playing like a new entry one. I mean I understand that someone could be carried till Gold III, but all 4 from your team or from enemy team? They are fighting on the field, 1 vs 1 like a dueler... and nobody cares about points. But as I said, maybe it is like this due to my play time.

And I play Axe/Axe with LB, for me it is the best build, and I can handle any class in 1 vs 1, many times in 1 vs 2 to keep the point long enough till I get support.

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@"Dragonzhunter.8506" Best I ever got was to plat. And Im casual too. I just dont care that much.

I've been trying to mix it up. I was playing Paladins/Sanctuary longbow s/wh-- with owl and smokescale.

Just didn't seem to have enough juice to put anyone down.

I tried paladins/earth with sw/wh axe/dagger and axe/axe.

Just trying to find my groove.


What amulet/Runes do you play with?

What pets?

I tried the Pig and I just don't like it.

It feels hard to get into a rhythm and it's just too random.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" Best I ever got was to plat. And Im casual too. I just dont care that much.

> I've been trying to mix it up. I was playing Paladins/Sanctuary longbow s/wh-- with owl and smokescale.

> Just didn't seem to have enough juice to put anyone down.

> I tried paladins/earth with sw/wh axe/dagger and axe/axe.

> Just trying to find my groove.


> What amulet/Runes do you play with?

> What pets?

> I tried the Pig and I just don't like it.

> It feels hard to get into a rhythm and it's just too random.


I use Paladin amulet with Earth, Herald or Leadership. For pets I am going with Eagle (for swoop and damage) and Siamoth for burst (Plasma) , CC and defensive.

I try to pop-up every time the Forage till I get Plasma, then I use Moa Stance>Strenght of the Pack>Plasma> Merge into Eagle beastmode (I use Unstoppable Union) and hit with WD and everything I have :) also Wordly Impact. If you can manage to do this rotation, your damage it will be insane, even you have Paladin and Earth. The damage is higher with Paladin and Leadership but depends on the enemy class and your teammate class, you may need more boon duration than all status.

I use Beastmode, Survival and Soulbeast.

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Run zerk+concentration and offensive utilities, buff the crap out of my allies before engage and hope they can tank while I delete people from the back.(All while hoping an enemy doesn't decide to get smart and target the ranger in the back.) Usually longbow axe/wh.

Once in a while I put on greatsword s/wh and pretend I'm a warrior, but well, I usually just get frustrated I can't facetank like a warrior for longer than the duration of dolyak signet.


I usually bring a bird for mobility/swiftness and run either smokescale teleport/invuln WI or try for plasma RNG depending on my mood. Plasma on melee ranger is just too fun. You know. Until it runs out. Or you run into a necro. (Melee boonbeast isn't as great against necro as you might think as the first thing they do is corrupt your stability, in situations like that I tend to miss my longbow.)


I see a lot of rangers running offhand axe, I'll probably give it a try at some point. I just like the pressure of wh4+wolf pack and if I wanted to counter projectiles 'till christmas I'd roll a guardian.


I'm a very offense-minded player. I die a lot.


~ Kovu

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