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State of PvP


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All right ArenaNet,


I've been playing for a little over 6 years (probably 6,5), and the state of sPvP seriously shocks me.


Answer this question for me: for how long have condi mirages skewed the balance in PvP?

I'll give you my answer: far too damn long, and I'm about done with your inability to give sPvP the attention it needs.


Your focus clearly lies on PvE. I don't care about the Living Story, which has proven, time and time again, to be stretched out and uninspiring, whilst being saturated by mediocre characters that continuously get replaced with similar even more mediocre characters. On that front, it is time to step off of the 'dragon, dragon, something, dragon, dragon' narrative.


Back to PvP...


sPvP is not balanced in the slightest. The meta right now is ridiculous. Any team that does not strictly conform to said meta is destined to be stomped by those teams that do. And what is even more instulting, is the fact that condi mirages have been far too strong every since they came out, AND THEY SOMEHOW ONLY GOT WORSE.


It is about time to stop the PvE tunnelvision, and to ensure that sPvP is in any way, shape or form, enjoyable.


Kind Regards,


A long-term player losing his patience.

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> @"everyman.4375" said:

> The vast majority of the players play PvE, of course they're going to focus on that.


My gripe in regards to that is not that they put a lot of effort and attention into PvE, but that the changes made to PvE negatively impact sPvP. Nothing is being done about the latter.


My bad if I formulated that poorly in my OP, I can see how my initial statement can be interpreted differently.

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Its pretty easy to fix builds that are broken. Hell look what they did to scourge. Nerfed it bit by bit to now its nor a issue. They have barely done anything to mirage and chrono and having access to 1,000 different ways to avoid damage. While doing mass spike or mass condi damage.


Lack of caring / lack of people who work the game who actually play pvp.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Its pretty easy to fix builds that are broken. Hell look what they did to scourge. Nerfed it bit by bit to now its nor a issue. They have barely done anything to mirage and chrono and having access to 1,000 different ways to avoid damage. While doing mass spike or mass condi damage.


> Lack of caring / lack of people who work the game who actually play pvp.


In some cases its not an issue of balance and changing numbers, but shitty design

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Mesmer isn't the pvp issue in gw2. Too few ppl play pvp and too few ppl will play it even if chrono or mirage will become the most useless class/build ever played. Adding more content in pvp is obviously more important then nerf "crying-making" classes/build. Nerfs don't bring players in, content does. I say let's proceed step by step, and hope for the best to come from Anet...i mean, you're still here right?






The Living Story is epic btw.



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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Its pretty easy to fix builds that are broken. Hell look what they did to scourge. Nerfed it bit by bit to now its nor a issue. They have barely done anything to mirage and chrono and having access to 1,000 different ways to avoid damage. While doing mass spike or mass condi damage.


> Lack of caring / lack of people who work the game who actually play pvp.

If 'Barely done anything' means nerfing them in every possible balance patch, at least 6 times, then I agree with you.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > Its pretty easy to fix builds that are broken. Hell look what they did to scourge. Nerfed it bit by bit to now its nor a issue. They have barely done anything to mirage and chrono and having access to 1,000 different ways to avoid damage. While doing mass spike or mass condi damage.

> >

> > Lack of caring / lack of people who work the game who actually play pvp.

> If 'Barely done anything' means nerfing them in every possible balance patch, at least 6 times, then I agree with you.


If they were nerfed in last 6 balance patches, and it's still op, than balance team sucks

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> @"Birdack.6714" said:

> Mesmer isn't the pvp issue in gw2. Too few ppl play pvp and too few ppl will play it even if chrono or mirage will become the most useless class/build ever played. Adding more content in pvp is obviously more important then nerf "crying-making" classes/build. Nerfs don't bring players in, content does. I say let's proceed step by step, and hope for the best to come from Anet...i mean, you're still here right?

> .

> .

> .

> .

> .

> The Living Story is epic btw.


> Cheers


I agree with you for the most part.

However, it's important to note the difference between PvP _bringing players in_, and PvP _retaining_ players.

I have heard of many people that they have given op on sPvP, or are about to, due to its current state.

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I`ve said it before, but i honestly think they want sPVP to die so they can focus on other stuff that actually makes them money. If you had half a brain you´d know that pvp-games needs balance/maintenance fairly often. A game such as Smite have 100 heros (gods) AND is a simpler game than GW" and yet it has patch every 2 weeks with the devs going on twitch/mixer to talk about why they did it and such.

Anet wont patch often. Hell, they wont even talk to ppl about their plans/ideas or anything. They prefer talking secretly to some of their "Partnered Streamers" instead of opening up to the passionate community.


If you think about it, there is NOTHING in the way they approach the sPVP-side of the game that gives you the idea that they want this gamemode to improve. Nothing.

I love the game and i want to support Anet and tell them theyre doing a good job (which they are in PVE imo), but when it comes to PVP, they`re either failing or not doing anything.


To me, all they need is to throw in some slick legendary weap/armor thats only available through sPVP - like The Ascensions. Throw ppl a bone/carrot. Balance more often and be more open about it. Thats it.


Anyways, i know we have said it many times before, but lets hope Anet steps it up next patch - whenever that is :)




I just wanted to add this. For various reasons i looked up a game i havent touched in 10+ years (Eve Online). The first thing i stumble accross is this "News update":


_"Over the course of releases running up to the winter and into 2019, there’ll be more balance passes to various ships and modules as we look to keep the PVP meta fresh and ensure that combat choices and tactical decisions continue to matter just as much as your ship and fitting choices."_


Now, change _**Ships, Modules and Fitting**_ to **_Class, Spec and Weapons_**. Also.. "to keep the PVP meta fresh".


Anet, it`s really not that tricky...









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I have heard about this focus on discussions with partner streamers often.


Not to cast any shade, but I do not believe that they can adequately represent the majority of the sPvP community, as their experience is vastly different to that of the average Joe.


Now, of course, they can serve as representatives for the community, but I would favour an approach that does not require such gatekeeping of the userbase's feedback. As a loyal GW2 player, I want to 'interact' (not necessarily directly) with ArenaNet, and have the impression that my voice matters.


WvW has been improved massively over time, and despite my general disinterest in the majority of PvE content, it is often an enjoyable experience. If sPvP received a fracture of the love that PvE gets, it would immediately be miles better.


I admit, balancing is far from easy, but we are not even close to a state of balance as of right now, it is getting worse, and it is driving people away.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Its pretty easy to fix builds that are broken. Hell look what they did to scourge. Nerfed it bit by bit to now its nor a issue. They have barely done anything to mirage and chrono and having access to 1,000 different ways to avoid damage. While doing mass spike or mass condi damage.


> Lack of caring / lack of people who work the game who actually play pvp.


In the case of necromancer and mirage, the problem is actually in the design, not the build itself. I mean, scourge has for sure been nerfed several times, but i am still seeing people who drop like flies against it. We can agree there is a part of " l2p" in it but only from my eyes and in game fights, i don't see any notable difference from scourge pre-nerfs, in terms of people surviving against it.


It's the same regarding mesmer. You can do many nerfs on numbers, but this won't have a huge impact. However simply removing the distorsion ability while finishing would actually have a good impact just as an information, and wouldn't be so game breaker..

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> @"Sygrial.9526" said:

> > @"Birdack.6714" said:

> > Mesmer isn't the pvp issue in gw2. Too few ppl play pvp and too few ppl will play it even if chrono or mirage will become the most useless class/build ever played. Adding more content in pvp is obviously more important then nerf "crying-making" classes/build. Nerfs don't bring players in, content does. I say let's proceed step by step, and hope for the best to come from Anet...i mean, you're still here right?

> > .

> > .

> > .

> > .

> > .

> > The Living Story is epic btw.

> >

> > Cheers


> I agree with you for the most part.

> However, it's important to note the difference between PvP _bringing players in_, and PvP _retaining_ players.

> I have heard of many people that they have given op on sPvP, or are about to, due to its current state.


Yeah that's true, though it's almost the same... players who stay must have the same reason as players who come in for the 1st time, not to mention RETURNING players ;)

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