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Turrets fix?


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How would you guys like turrets to be fixed so they can be viable? They were decent a few years back in spvp, but I'm more of a wvw player. In my opinion, one way they could become viable would be for them to be able to crit. simple, effective not that big of an overhaul.


I want to hear your guys opinions what do you think Anet can do?

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How do you overcharge your turrets?? Sadly, you cant anymore, but i have a suggestion to this, and probably making this viable again!


each turret have it's effect, and also have their own Tool-belt , why not making this Tool-belt skills the overcharge?


When you place Riffle Turret every time it HITS the target, it gets an overcharged point, let us say at max of 5 stacks.

This stacks would be marked above your Tool-Belt skill, every successful shoot on your target you get a +1 , 2 hit +2 etc etc. if you have +5 mark, and your turret is currently up, you would use the Tool-Belt skill, alloying the riffle / you ( as currently is ) to shoot 5 consecutive shoots at your selected target giving more DMG than the regular shoot.


Rocket Turret would have the similar effect, but instead of shooting at your target the Overcharged Stack number would appoint to the number of missiles that it would Bombard the selected area. +2 = 2 bombard missiles ( example ) +5 = 5 bombard missiles


The healing Turret could increase the stack number of Regeneration effect, or even, giving a healing burst, considering the number of successful healing pools that it had actually been given to any player. ( numbers of players inside the turret range do not stack, but only the healing pool numbers that were successful, which means that you need at least 1 friendly target to be hit by the healing pool to have a +1 stack ).


Although, this Tool-Belt can only be used when the current turrets are up, or this can be only an improvement to your current Tool-belt skill . Bringing the Turret build more viable and some small burst DmG / Healing situations, making this class a bit more unpredictable and giving players more decisive situations. "

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No amount of buffing will ever make the turrets viable, but that doesn't mean that they can't be improved. The low health, long cooldowns and slow rate of fire is what makes them not viable, even in open world PvE. Usually buildings are immune to critical hits and conditions, but the engineer's turrets are not.


The most ArenaNet can do to improve the turrets, even though it won't make them viable especially in non PvE builds, is to make all of them have a 20 seconds cooldown, 15 seconds when picked up, reduce the long rates of fire and either increase their health or make them immune to critical hits and conditions like other buildings in the game.

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Several things can be done:


* Rifle turret needs a damage buff. Period. It's supposed to be "shooty shooty" but right now, it's more like "tinkle tinkle."

* Net turret is basically worthless as-is. If it had an AoE effect, and applied cripple and/or poison or bleeding too, it might be worth *something*.

* Rocket Turret needs its flight arc heavily reduced, and should fire several smaller rockets that do less damage, but have larger AoEs. Like a cluster bomb.

* Flame Turret needs its range extended, burning duration and stacks increased, and direct damage increased.

* Thumper Turret should have a damage/range increase on its base attack, but its overcharge is perfect as-is.

* Healing Turret is fine as-is.

* Overcharges should happen more than once, automatically. Maybe add special action key for turret overcharges to reduce automatic gameplay?

* Experimental turrets reflect bubble needs to be instantaneous, not the 1-2 second delay it currently has. It should also tie into overcharges.

* There's an old trait, "[Deployable Turrets](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deployable_Turrets "Deployable Turrets")" that might be worth reintroducing.

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my suggestions:


make it so picking up turrets puts them on no cooldown but doesn't reset their health (maybe slowly regen over time)

make rifle and rocket turret more distinct in function

add more interactions between turret and toolkit (make hitting a turret with a crowbar overcharge said turret for example)

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What if turrets were no longer independent and worked more like weapons emplacements you need to use. With that change you can make turrets stronger with the tradeoff of the user being static and the "experimental turrets" trait become more valuable.


Just look the healing and rifle turrets. They have levers (i lack a better term because english is not my language and traductor is not helping).

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> @"Detergente Ariel.8147" said:

> What if turrets were no longer independent and worked more like weapons emplacements you need to use. With that change you can make turrets stronger with the tradeoff of the user being static and the "experimental turrets" trait become more valuable.


> Just look the healing and rifle turrets. They have levers (i lack a better term because english is not my language and traductor is not helping).


my prediction is that less ppl would use it then. kinda reminds me of the old mortar (that nobody used it)

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Detergente Ariel.8147" said:

> > What if turrets were no longer independent and worked more like weapons emplacements you need to use. With that change you can make turrets stronger with the tradeoff of the user being static and the "experimental turrets" trait become more valuable.

> >

> > Just look the healing and rifle turrets. They have levers (i lack a better term because english is not my language and traductor is not helping).


> my prediction is that less ppl would use it then. kinda reminds me of the old mortar (that nobody used it)


That is the only way i can see Anet could think in buff the damage of turrets.


Rocket turret can work as semi independent replacing the actual utility with an "Mark Ground" to bormbard a zone until destroyed or ordered other zone.


Net turret i dont know


Thumper is fine as it is

Flamer turret is another manned turret

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> @"Detergente Ariel.8147" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Detergente Ariel.8147" said:

> > > What if turrets were no longer independent and worked more like weapons emplacements you need to use. With that change you can make turrets stronger with the tradeoff of the user being static and the "experimental turrets" trait become more valuable.

> > >

> > > Just look the healing and rifle turrets. They have levers (i lack a better term because english is not my language and traductor is not helping).

> >

> > my prediction is that less ppl would use it then. kinda reminds me of the old mortar (that nobody used it)


> That is the only way i can see Anet could think in buff the damage of turrets.


and it's a terrible idea.

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I see two main issues with turrets: the first is a draw back of all minions: they have their own stats and as such do not take into account the engineer's build. If turrets did decent damage, nothing would stop PvP engineers from bunking up and letting the turrets do the damage. Thus, I do think that turret stats should take into account the build's stats.


The second is that ANet wants the engineer to have access to all turret functions with just two buttons (toolbelt + utility): deploy, overcharge, explode, toolbelt skill. Their latest change to turrets simply made the overcharge automatic and thus removed the effectiveness of the bunker style that turrets were designed for. This is where a redesign could come into play, and several posters have shared their idea before.


what I'd do? Maybe just remove overloads completely, redesign turret stats to take this into account, and modify the toolbelt skills to have the utility of an overloaded turret:


Healing turret: default belt is puny, so nothing would be lost in making it be the large water field + 2 condition cleanses skill


rifle turret: the utility seems to just be a long ranged poke. I'd make it so the engineer and any active turrets gain quickness for some time (which should reduce the interval between shoots). Or alacrity, whichever would be more logical to speed up turrets.


Net turret: make the next engineer attack, as well as those of any deployed turrets, stun briefly the target (think thief's pistol 4 skill). Considering that the game already has skills that spam CC like this (one of kalla's summons), it would fit.


Flame turret: deploy a smoke field at your location and cause your, and your deployed turrets, attacks to deal a stack of burning for the following few seconds (Add an interval CD of 0.75 seconds to prevent flamethrower from being op with this :P).


Rocket turret: make your attacks, and those of deployed turrets, to trigger an aoe blast for the following few seconds.


Thumper turret: send out a small shockwave that knows down nearby foes for two seconds, it's a stun break as well.


As for the elite toolkit skill... well, I'd probably want something different for it. Maybe it could be a skill that triggers the reflection dome on all deployed turrets, as well as fully repairing them.


Well, just an idea. I just hope ANet doesn't leave them in the sad state they are currently at.

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> @"Detergente Ariel.8147" said:

> What if turrets were no longer independent and worked more like weapons emplacements you need to use. With that change you can make turrets stronger with the tradeoff of the user being static and the "experimental turrets" trait become more valuable.


> Just look the healing and rifle turrets. They have levers (i lack a better term because english is not my language and traductor is not helping).


This would just spell death to all turrets in all competitive game modes. Stationary targets are very easy to take down, and any decent spike build would be able to kill you in under 2 seconds if you couldn't move.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> No amount of buffing will ever make the turrets viable, but that doesn't mean that they can't be improved. The low health, long cooldowns and slow rate of fire is what makes them not viable, even in open world PvE. Usually buildings are immune to critical hits and conditions, but the engineer's turrets are not.


> The most ArenaNet can do to improve the turrets, even though it won't make them viable especially in non PvE builds, is to make all of them have a 20 seconds cooldown, 15 seconds when picked up, reduce the long rates of fire and either increase their health or make them immune to critical hits and conditions like other buildings in the game.




I do think that giving overcharge control back to the player would be a huge improvement.


> @"Detergente Ariel.8147" said:

> What if turrets were no longer independent and worked more like weapons emplacements you need to use. With that change you can make turrets stronger with the tradeoff of the user being static and the "experimental turrets" trait become more valuable.


> Just look the healing and rifle turrets. They have levers (i lack a better term because english is not my language and traductor is not helping).


mmmmm, no. I'm not about to plop myself down and make myself a sitting duck for all kinds of attacks. The risk vs reward just does not work out in your favor with that.

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Personally i got a problem with turrets becouse they bring what i dont nessesery need while taking the spot from utilities i really need. As a Holo (or previously as a scrapper) my dmg is and was rather fine. So ofc additional source of dmg would be helpfull but with what cost? I do need condi removal (healing turret + trait "Prismatic Converter" is not enough for me and i feel much safer with either elixir gun or elixir C. I also like additional source of stability so elixir U is kinda sweet. At the top of that in competetive modes (pvp or wvw roam) elixir S is a must pick. So slots from 7 to 9 are taken. I didnt do the math but i'm pretty sure that its also better to consider "Utility Goggles" with stun break, vuln and fury instead of waiting for stun to end + getting hit by the enemy while my breave turrets attack them.

So if Anet would like to make turrets more popular i would prefer full rework and bring turrets with buffs to the team or some kind of other utilities rather than additional way to attack. And even then as long as they dont clear conditions for some time period, bring breakstun etc i won't be able to pick more than one to the party. I think that to make them work they should be really unique and counter cancer abbilities like turret with stealth detector or autoaim for mesmer and thief - regardles of summoned clones or stealth mode. But even then - with all cry from those 2 classess, there would be a problem with mobility, cooldowns etc.

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> @"ShinigamiPL.4086" said:

> So if Anet would like to make turrets more popular i would prefer full rework and bring turrets with buffs to the team or some kind of other utilities rather than additional way to attack. And even then as long as they dont clear conditions for some time period, bring breakstun etc i won't be able to pick more than one to the party. I think that to make them work they should be really unique and counter cancer abbilities like turret with stealth detector or autoaim for mesmer and thief - regardles of summoned clones or stealth mode. But even then - with all cry from those 2 classess, there would be a problem with mobility, cooldowns etc.


that sounds like scrapper gyros, actually. Those do no damage and are utility instead.


Now, to make turrets more of a control utility than just "more damage".... some short ideas:


Rifle: vulnerability on hit is good already

Flame: blind on attack? (thematically good, but attack rate probably needs adjusting)

Thumper: reveal anything it hits

Rocket: apply slow on hit (well, one could argue the momentum of the rocket slows the target down, just hard to think of a more suitable debuff)

Net: already designed to control enemies

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