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Questions about some traits and gear for Reaper (MM, power, PvE)


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Let's just get this out of the way, I know it's not meta, I have zero plans to do anything that requires a meta build and I enjoy/need a more passive build due to hand problems.


Anyway, I finally hit 80 on my first necro and am starting to work on points for unlocking Reaper. It seems there are a couple options and I was curious about which ones would generally be best suited for open PvE. I know more or less anything works to some extent but some options are obviously going to be better than others, and since I have zero experience with any kind of full builds for necro I figured I should get some advice. Due to the aforementioned hand issues I tend to avoid grouping so as to avoid slowing people down, so my goal is to be able to solo as much as possible on my own. I know any setup can 100% but I would like to be able to do more than just mapping, if possible. I particularly enjoy trying to hunt down champs (although I found out the hard way while roaming around PoF for the first time there are definitely some champs I should not have picked fights with while alone).


For Blood: I generally do 1/3/3 when in world events, and 2/3/3 while alone because the move speed increase is nice. However, Reaper brings an interesting alternative of 3/3/3 since you can have chills cause bleeding with x/x/2 in reaper. Is this worth it? It seems like more sustain would be nice but I have no idea how useful that lesser signet of vampirism really is, or how reliable you can get it going. I know you can also dodge roll into some bleeds with mark of evasion but I prefer to save my dodges for dodging as a general rule.


Death: 1/1/1 was what I normally used, but without bone minions (you do replace them with Rise after all) is 1/1/3 better?


Reaper: This one is the hard one for me. For T1, augury is obviously good but nova does have AoE, assuming you crit of course. I'm guessing augury is better? For T2 they all seem good depending on what you're doing. Soul eater is just useful in general, chilling victory becomes better if you use blighters boon, decimate becomes better if you use chilling nova. Then T3 mixes it up even more since deathly chill becomes better if you use blood bond (assuming thats any good, like I said, no idea), and onslaught is just nice to have in general. I'm really unsure of the best way to go for reaper since what you take changes based on the rest of your skills, both inside reaper and in the other trees.


For gear, I know that zerker is generally the first thing everybody points to, but it's somewhat expensive and I feel like it would make you far too glassy in many situations wouldn't it? Especially in HoT and PoF incoming damage is much higher than in the base game so wouldn't a slightly tankier set be a better option? Never needed to think about gear before since leveling was just 'use what fell into my lap' and I honestly didn't think I would make it to 80 anyway. Surprise!


Thanks for the help from a new necro :)

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> @"sutasafaia.4872" said:

> Let's just get this out of the way, I know it's not meta, I have zero plans to do anything that requires a meta build and I enjoy/need a more passive build due to hand problems.


> Anyway, I finally hit 80 on my first necro and am starting to work on points for unlocking Reaper. It seems there are a couple options and I was curious about which ones would generally be best suited for open PvE. I know more or less anything works to some extent but some options are obviously going to be better than others, and since I have zero experience with any kind of full builds for necro I figured I should get some advice. Due to the aforementioned hand issues I tend to avoid grouping so as to avoid slowing people down, so my goal is to be able to solo as much as possible on my own. I know any setup can 100% but I would like to be able to do more than just mapping, if possible. I particularly enjoy trying to hunt down champs (although I found out the hard way while roaming around PoF for the first time there are definitely some champs I should not have picked fights with while alone).


> For Blood: I generally do 1/3/3 when in world events, and 2/3/3 while alone because the move speed increase is nice. However, Reaper brings an interesting alternative of 3/3/3 since you can have chills cause bleeding with x/x/2 in reaper. Is this worth it? It seems like more sustain would be nice but I have no idea how useful that lesser signet of vampirism really is, or how reliable you can get it going. I know you can also dodge roll into some bleeds with mark of evasion but I prefer to save my dodges for dodging as a general rule.


Probably not worth it. While the sustain might be interesting, it most likely won't proc when you need it the most. I'd suggest you to keep up with what you already play, since the trait will give you a reliable increase in dps but not a reliable increase in sustain.



> Death: 1/1/1 was what I normally used, but without bone minions (you do replace them with Rise after all) is 1/1/3 better?


If anything _"rise!"_ will synergize better with _death nova_. On another hand, _flesh of the master_ and _necromantic corruption_ aren't especially interesting in PvE (or anywhere in game). That said, none of the DM traits are especially good in open PvE so it's up to you.



> Reaper: This one is the hard one for me. For T1, augury is obviously good but nova does have AoE, assuming you crit of course. I'm guessing augury is better? For T2 they all seem good depending on what you're doing. Soul eater is just useful in general, chilling victory becomes better if you use blighters boon, decimate becomes better if you use chilling nova. Then T3 mixes it up even more since deathly chill becomes better if you use blood bond (assuming thats any good, like I said, no idea), and onslaught is just nice to have in general. I'm really unsure of the best way to go for reaper since what you take changes based on the rest of your skills, both inside reaper and in the other trees.


> For gear, I know that zerker is generally the first thing everybody points to, but it's somewhat expensive and I feel like it would make you far too glassy in many situations wouldn't it? Especially in HoT and PoF incoming damage is much higher than in the base game so wouldn't a slightly tankier set be a better option? Never needed to think about gear before since leveling was just 'use what fell into my lap' and I honestly didn't think I would make it to 80 anyway. Surprise!


> Thanks for the help from a new necro :)


Like you said, reaper is full of "good" traits so it's mainly up to you for reaper.


On the topic of the gear, in open world PvE if you feel that being glassy is an issue, just go soldier for a Power build (it also increase the value of _strength of undeath_ in DM. And it's one of the cheapest stat set) or you can choose dire/rabid/carrion for condition builds (it's up to you).


NB.: just try to have weapon that match your stats. For example, if you choose to invest yourself into building condition damage, don't equip axe, use scepter. Also with reaper try to always have at least a range weapon equiped in your weapon slot, restricting yourself to melee range will just make it harder for you.

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Gonna write short thing. Sorry for bit of odd writing, its late for me but I wanted to write still.


If you like passive build with fewer buttons, Id still go with standard because mostly the build is passive boost to stuff. Traits are bit lackluster, imo, because most are just flat bonuses and dont really change lot of rotations or thought process (like "what if X then trait Y should help".


Spite 1, 2, 2 - All passive. Nothing special or hype here


Blood magic 1(or 2), 3, 1

**OR** Soul reaping 1, 1(or 2), 2

_If you are going to pick transfusion (Blood magic), PLEASE be aware that you need to position yourself properly. You can kill lot of people by using Soul Spiral in fire. You dont wanna be "that guy"_ :bleep_bloop:

Reaper 2 3 3


For weapons, standard Greatsword and Axe warhorn.


Passive skills that still work well (some are even "in meta"):

Shadowfiend, Flesh golem(elite skill), Singet of Spite (flat power boost, never active it). For healing you can use Signet of Vampirism or Blood fiend.

For the last slot, pick anything from Well of Suffering (best dmg), You Are All Weaklings! for stunbreak and aoe weakness or Spectral armor for defensive stunbreak


Reason you want Reaper 2 3 3 is because first row gives you passive dmg boost and slight aoe. Mid 3 makes your critical chance cap at 50% if enemy has 25 vulnerability stacks. And last rows 3 is just best dps boost to your shroud that makes you just melt with perma-quickness.


If you are having issues getting Berserker Gear (Good sources are crafting, Verdant Brinks Bladed Armor and WvW vendor but thats costy too (about 80s per piece and badges of honor)

If you only solo, its pretty much best tanky gear you can get without sacrificing your dps.


As for the Death magic. Not worth it imo, poison from Death nova deals tickle damage and with good shroud-usage (that comes naturally later in your career), you probably wont die and wont need toughness from DM's Flesh trait. Only used to tag lot of mobs for max loot.


I wrote bit more in-depth meta-event guide at my [metabattle userpage](https://metabattle.com/wiki/User:Inkdrocket "metabattle userpage") (aka not official..yet)

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