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[Suggestion] Add unowned skins to wardrobe for preview


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Hey there evryone!

I just recently had made a new character and levelled her to 80. I wanted to get her geared and also find a cool transmog to match the class and spec (Holosmith). So i went to the bank and checked on all the available medium skins there. After finding armor pieces that seemed like they'd go together nicely in terms of shape and style, I went to the Back category to look for a nice Back item to round the whole thing off. Now here's where the problem lies.

I want to go with a red/grey/black color palette for my charcter, so I chose my back item accordingly. I could now just choose the rest of the armor as I'd like it and view it in the transmog preview with some wild colors on it, that my current armor set has. This would be totally fine, if all parts of the armor were freely colorable. This however isn't the case. Items like the "Holosmith's Lucent Vent" seem like they would let you change the color of the glow in between the little spaces on there, but don't.

This leads to a lack of information and clarity when looking for items to transmog. It can actually get costly when you're looking at stuff that takes quite a bit of time and/or gold to unlock, just for it to in the end be totally out of line with the rest of what you had planned for your mog, because you didn't know that there was one colored aspect on there you couldn't actually change. So I'd suggest showing unowned skins in you wardrobe , so that you can preview them there, where you can actually select colors and see which parts of the item can have their color changed.


**TL;DR Previewing armor skins as it is now doesn't let you see which parts are colorable. This makes finding the right items to mog needlessly tedious. Suggestion: Add unowned skins to wardrobe for preview, so you can see where color can be changed and get a first look at planned tmog (in correct colors), without having to own everything.**


_Also: If anything like this already exists (be it a third party tool), please point me towards it! :)_

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> @"itsCatz.4607" said:

> So I'd suggest showing unowned skins in you wardrobe , so that you can preview them there, where you can actually select colors and see which parts of the item can have their color changed.


This would be good. I think with dyes you can already toggle between showing all of them, and just the ones you have unlocked - it would be nice to have something similar with skins.


> @"itsCatz.4607" said:

> **TL;DR Previewing armor skins as it is now doesn't let you see which parts are colorable.**


It does in the sense that you can also preview dyes at the same time, but the dye preview is awkward because (a) there's not a list of dyes in the (bank) wardrobe like there is for skins, (b) in the preview window you can only preview dyes for all armour pieces at once, not for individual pieces, and © when you preview a dye it just sticks it in the first empty dye slot - you can't pick which slot to dye.


I think the source of the issue is that the wardrobe in the bank and the wardrobe in the hero panel have slightly different features - so I agree with your suggestion, but I'd go further and suggest that both wardrobes should have the same features.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

>I think with dyes you can already toggle between showing all of them, and just the ones you have unlocked - it would be nice to have something similar with skins.



Exactly! Pretty much what i had in mind when thinking of this íssue. Doesn't seem too hard to implement either and I couldn't really come up with a reason as to why not to put this in the game.

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