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QoL changes for sword and holosmith.


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I was running alongside someone and noticed that both of our leaps are actually slower than simply running in a straight line. Here are some suggestions I thought might help. Anyone is more than welcome to contribute other areas.

* **Radiant Arc** (sword 3) - Currently to using this makes you come to a complete stop, you cast then leap, leap and then there is an aftercast before you can move forward again. The aftercast alone steals some of the quickness the skill gives you while waiting for your character. I wish this would work more like Warrior sword 2. Just a simple leap forward, without a complete stop ruining all chase momentum. The distance is incredibly short, currently if I have swiftness and sword leap, it will be slower than someone without swiftness running forward. That makes it useless in my eyes since the quickness wears off so quickly.

* **Holo Leap** (forge 2) - The movement is fine and the pad is interesting but again you are actually slower than just running because the animation carries you into the air for so long. Increasing the distance would help this. When I first saw this skill announced I was hoping for a rocket boot replacement.

* **Cauterize** (heal skill toolbelt) - Can we get one heal that is competitive with turret?? Holosmith appears weak to condis unless you go heavy into elixirs and/or bring the elixir gun. Can our holosmith heal please NOT damage us more? That is actually so silly. It should be an aoe fire blast when it removes a condi, similar to smite condition.

* **Flash Spark** (toolbelt of spectrum shield) - This is an aoe blind on a 30 second cooldown. There are sigils that do more than this . I think the light aura should be included without heat upgrade and the upgrade itself should be something more substantial.

* **Sword and forge** - Why is there only 1 skill that provides fire as a condi? I think getting hit with a sword made of light would burn you, not make you bleed. I wish there was something hybrid about this aside from blowing up and damaging yourself a lot or a little (with the gm trait).


Anyone else agree or have something they would ask for updates to?

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I agree with the aftercasts, they are annoying as hell. The one on forge skill 2 is even more annoying underwater. Providing short quickness is useless when an aftercast makes you be stuck in the place for half of its duration.


I hate the burning from Cauterize, it would be nice if its duration was at least halved. Sure, you can equip the condi>boon on forge exit trait but still even with using Cauterize and exiting forge right after it seems like unnecessary hurdle. If they want to keep burning there so be it, but they should make it less hurting just to be more useful. Currently I don't use it much because of that annoying burn. I'll rather wait to exit the forge.


Also why is the bomb kit's AA still the best? Come on Anet, Holo has a great potential to be good power dmg option for engi but even with added crit chance from the heat the sword is worse. IMHO the sword's AA should be buffed to be better than bomb's AA. Bomb's primary use shouldn't be mindless AA but rather condis from other skills and providing fields (but that's just my opinion).

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