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[Suggestion] Infusion Ideas


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Thought we could share some ideas for new infusion auras.


Mine is a race specific infusion, with the effect having a different glow effect per race. For example:

-Human: a "divine glow" that creates a glowing aura in the eyes and around the player that cycles through the colors of the six human gods

-Norn: the characters tattoos and eyes glow. Perhaps a spirit-esque blue or off white for the spirits of the wild

-Sylvari: the characters glow pattern glows significantly brighter, as well as during both day and night.

-Charr: the characters hair and fur pattern glow a fiery gold. (And let's be honest, how sick would that look with the Super Saiyan Hair?)

-Asura: I was thinking a bioluminescent aura around the character and glowing eyes as a call back to the time the asura lived underground.


Would love to hear other ideas, including suggestions to mine

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I don't know about an infusion, but it would be nice if the existing skin patterns (tattoos, sylvari glow) were more visible. They keep coming out with increasingly garish dyes that make any older palette look muted. It's hard to even notice those skin patterns while someone's wearing an outfit that looks like glowing neon.

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