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Soulbeast: visual effect out of place


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Never liked it, never will. I don't even want a more beast-themed transformation indicator.


> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> Yea it lools nice tbh. Considering ranger has like zero visual noise youd think people wouldnt be all that bothered over some small lines that go quite well with the entire nature theme.


That's just the thing - I'd prefer my ranger kept her visual noise to that same baseline zero level. If the ranger is thematically a tracker/pathfinder/in tune with nature, visual noise really isn't part of that package.


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> @"Anela.3867" said:

> I like it. It fits the "foresty" feel of a Ranger.


"Foresty" in terms of flora has little connection to the transformation into a beast (i.e., fauna). Something animal-themed would have been a proper choice.


Also, the eletric humming that comes with the transformation has nothing "foresty" about it, does it? It's just plain awful as it sounds like some Asuran tech device being activated each time we enter Soulbeast mode.


> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> That's just the thing - I'd prefer my ranger kept her visual noise to that same baseline zero level. If the ranger is thematically a tracker/pathfinder/in tune with nature, visual noise really isn't part of that package.



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