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Warrior build


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> @"Nani.6710" said:

> Ive been getting more into pvp and I don't seem to be able to make my warrior work , RN I'm trying spellbreaker with sword shield and greatsword . Any tips on what I should do would he great !


I am no pro gold 3 at best on other classes. I recently started warrior in unranked on the past week and have only started to do well the past 2 days.


The build you are referring to is much different than the defensive one that uses dagger. U can't face tank like that build.


The goal is to dash in. When you see an opening to burst. Such as bulls charge to hundred blades,it sheild dash to skill 3 or skill 4 then 3 and then dash out.


You want to dash in create enough adrenaline to proc tether. Tether will give you might which in turn heals you and gives you power.


Once you do that you want to dash out a little bit and keep your distance untill they used their skills. Then u want to use your mobility to dash back in and use sword 2 or gs 3. To then reproc your tether.


One combo to do after you tethered is to gs5 or 3 out. Once u move away they will then be knocked down and pulled to you. You can now bulls charge into their knock down state to re knock down and hundred blades


The goal is to go in and out to evade damage. The damage skills are f1, gs3 and sword 2. In-between using FC or f1 to proc tether.


It plays more like a burst spec than tanking.

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