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[BUG COLLECTION] Nightmarish Eagle Raptor bug + Outfit bugs

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Hello, I have a few visual bugs to share.


**First is the god awful jaw-clipping bug for the eagle raptor's walking animation.**


![](https://i.imgur.com/VoQzcfl.png "")



When it walks, its bottom jaw clips through its top jaw. Please for christ's sake fix this so I can stop having nightmares.


**Second is a recent clipping bug with the female charr's wedding outfit.**


![](https://i.imgur.com/Jsy5Ots.png "")


This only seems to happen when wielding a greatsword. This is definitely new.


**Finally, using a cat tonic underwater still produces bizarre results.**


![](https://i.imgur.com/65Jzq59.png "")


Certain costumes seen to gain a metallic texture with a red carpet. (Also the transformation doesn't work underwater anymore)

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