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ANet: Advertise WvW

Ni In.6578

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I do agree wvw could use some advertisement and incentives beyond _that update that might happen down the road_ to get people into playing the game. I feel increasing the number of things inaccessible to wvw-only players now would be a start (such as legendary trinkets or neat fashion equipment,) would pull in some fresh blood. As it stands regardless of the state of the gamemode there isn't a whole heck of a lot going on incentive-wise to pull people in that they simply can't do (often with less time investment) elsewhere. A fancy update without more of the long term incentives would ultimately be a band-aid solution.


That said, clearly the gamemode is, at worst, _okay_ if we're all still here playing it. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


~ Kovu

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