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Former mesmer mains - Which class did you switch to as your new main?


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I know that most, if not all, of the long time mesmer mains do not like the direction that ANet is going with mesmer, and I've seen a few like @"Pyroatheist.9031" even state they are done with mesmer. I'm trying to get back into this game, so I was wondering which class you guys all moved to for your new main.

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> @"SloRules.3560" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > why are ppl quiting mesmer?


> Because it's soo kitten to play.


> I just restarted playing it, because i love GvG and well, i suck at everything else and every guild still needs 1 mesmer.


was kinda hoping for a more detailed response but k

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"SloRules.3560" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > why are ppl quiting mesmer?

> >

> > Because it's soo kitten to play.

> >

> > I just restarted playing it, because i love GvG and well, i suck at everything else and every guild still needs 1 mesmer.


> was kinda hoping for a more detailed response but k


Oh ok. You are relevant because of 5 skills all together these days. At least in wvw. That's pretty boring and unfun to play. Ofc in pugs you can be top dps with mesmer, but in any kind of real group you are just there for that cc and utiltity which equates to like 5 skills.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> why are ppl quiting mesmer?


I'm getting started on another main because of the horribad balancing done to the class.


I'm really tired of logical, well thought suggestions being ignored because the irrelevant few cry the loudest, and get everything about the class trashed BEFORE the actual issue is resolved.

Then it takes Anet 6 months just to revisit the mistakes they made.

It gets old, So may as well get on a class that see's fewer nerfs, with builds just as kitten to fight against


That's my reasoning anyway.

I'll still play mesmer. Just not as much as I do now.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> I know that most, if not all, of the long time mesmer mains do not like the direction that ANet is going with mesmer, and I've seen a few like @"Pyroatheist.9031" even state they are done with mesmer. I'm trying to get back into this game, so I was wondering which class you guys all moved to for your new main.


Because it's been transformed into basically no-skill spam, similar to how DE/thief has been converted to no-skill camp stealth or press 3 on S/D (because it's literally all it can do with the amount of blocks in-game). That and the fun builds that do require skill to pull off are just downright horrible because ANet refuses to nerf anything because the bads will whine about their bandwagon being gutted.


And in the case of thief/mes in zergs in WvW, thief is absolutely useless in a zerg and mesmer's best build/only real functional build is a boonbot/support which is not what most people signed up for.


I don't think there are any classes with functional builds that require much of a brain to play anymore to be honest. All builds with high skill expression suck and have been nerfed/made easier with a lower ceiling (looking at you, reaper) compared to the meta OP's. Most people have jumped to soulbeast because at this point it's easily the best class to play without thinking because it's just so stupidly easy and so stupidly strong in a variety of duel environments. Most real competitive players have given up taking the game's PvP seriously in any capacity and are just waiting for another game to come out.


The insistence of balancing the game based on number-crunching for raids that only (previously reported) 7% of the population participates in is mind-boggling. You'd have expected the lessons to have been learned given the huge losses in earnings after HoT and how the manifesto has been completely ignored for several years.

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > why are ppl quiting mesmer?


> I'm getting started on another main because of the horribad balancing done to the class.


> I'm really tired of logical, well thought suggestions being ignored because the irrelevant few cry the loudest, and get everything about the class trashed BEFORE the actual issue is resolved.

> Then it takes Anet 6 months just to revisit the mistakes they made.

> It gets old, So may as well get on a class that see's fewer nerfs, with builds just as kitten to fight against


> That's my reasoning anyway.

> I'll still play mesmer. Just not as much as I do now.


This sums it up pretty damn well. I'm tired of having the class destroyed over and over without it fixing any of the underlying problems with balancing it, because Anet listens to everyone **_except_** mesmer mains when trying to decide how to balance it.


Also @"DeceiverX.8361" did you quote the wrong person? I know why people are leaving the class, I just was looking for suggestions on which other classes are more fun to play now.

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Ele and Mesmer are the 2 classes I play the most and I tend to swap between them when I get bored of one. I play mostly power shatter in WvW so as you can imagine my playtime since PoF has been getting lower.


I find myself playing less and less, I mostly afk and hope ANet will drop the huge nerfs it needs to. It feels like there's a lot of new and clueless people around now especially in streamers and many have an agenda and quite a lot of bias.


Been trying out a D/F weaver build here: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAodncMAdOgF5C+4CM5iFDA7eU3qn1FVyiYYIIAsAOAA-jVyHQBlVti/p8YAPAA3pqCDVC2N9ALRJGAOBAhb/BSBUlkN-w


It's silly getting to and maintaining 25 might so easily barely having to blast and twist of fate giving you 2 front loaded stunbreaks ontop of stab, perma prrotection and a 1.5k barrier most of the time. The worst part is this probably isn't strong despite winning 1v3 yet it's objectively broken in it's own way.

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So idk if I'd say that I'm *done* with Mesmer, but it's simply not reasonable for me to main it anymore.


In PvE raids, the Chrono comp is simply less efficient on most fights than a quickbrand/renegade comp, so i play renegade instead.


In WvW, Chrono is...very lacking. Not only is it jaw-droppingly boring to play, it's also only marginally useful. I play power renegade, spellbreaker, and firebrand depending on the needs of my group.


I don't really have a main anymore, since I don't care enough about other classes to really learn and master them the way I did Mesmer. I'd love to go back to playing Mesmer in all game modes, but it's simply not reasonable to do.

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Only place where i play mesmer is in open world, for bounty tryhard or anything else. In fractals, its kind of second tier when compared to rev/fb with better groups, for lower tier groups its kinda useless since they run out of wells anyway, in raids its still meta but i think it will change in some hours and in other game modes, well, why play mesmer when you can oneshot people from 1500 rage or when you can go up to someone and facetank everything and chop down its health till it dies?

The only exception is mirage, but even that is not as "OP" as people say, and due to the lot of posts it will be more or less "balanced".

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It's called nerdy white boy, the only class where I can sit at a computer and play anything other than gw2.



No, but in all actuality if mesmer didn't exist I probably never would have the thousands of hours I have in the game and instead would have quite after only playing through the original story. It's not that the story is bad or the game is bad, it's just that it doesn't stand out on its own compared to other video game stories. I know dynamic events were a big deal to most people who got involved with gw2. However, I always liked more individual quests like in runescape better than the dynamic events of gw2. As I said, the story isn't bad, but it only lasts so long. Every class in the game with the exceptions of rev and mes are so terribly hackneyed from being used over and over again in other mmos that they are as stale as . . . well I'll leave that up to your imagination. Rev just doesn't really excite me like mes, and with the exceptions of specializations, it feels like it has slowly been being pushed into being like any other class in gw2. What I originally liked about mes was that it was a phycological take on a class that hasn't been done before. I know this probably isn't the place to make a large list of what I currently don't like and wish was changes. However, in the future I would like to see mes have:


1. Novel roles that aren't found in every class or video game.

2. Novel, interesting rotations or play styles that aren't found in every class or game.

3. A lot larger PHYCOLOGICAL feel than it has now. The way confusion works now to me is just bland as hell, not very differential from the other conditions, and just doesn't cut it for me.


I want to play mesmer to play something unique to the game and unique from every other class, not to play the same old same old that I can play in any other video game.

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I'm still playing Mesmer (Mirage in wvw roaming). I cut a tendon in my finger last year and switched jobs, so my playtime, forum posting and occasional videos all got reduced. 1v1 I think condi mirage is over-powered in wvw, but I still tend to get into a lot of outnumbered fights. I still love the mobility and playstyle of the combat. I haven't found any optimizations or experiments to try for a while (switched from scavenger runes to torment when the rune re-work happened). Would love to see another condi-focused offhand weapon someday...

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Think quickness firebrand is the best bet for most people that ran chrono. In groups where the quickness is more useful than alacrity (i.e. with thieves) that is especially the case. Quickness doesn't require other people to pay as much attention to their skill use, damage increases regardless even if they spam 1.


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FireBrigade (amazing name) is way better than chrono group and they evaporate things way faster than grp with chrono .

If you prefer many buttons - try holo xD (pve wise.)

IF you were mesmer main try quickbrand/alacrity renegade. I found myself doing very well with holo (where i can change my leg armor for heavy/medium?lul) ,soulbeast was boring as hell.

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