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Should I get condi or power BS warior first?


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-For normal fractals and most raids, the condi is the best

-For cm fractals the best thing is power, since in some parts it asks you to burst in a small amount of time

-Raids where the power over the condi is better: KC, Samarog (although the condi works, this boss is based more on mechanics and cc), statues (although if you are the one who throws orbs in the eyes of Grent and the orb) collecter in Eater of Souls no problem), CA, Qadim is 50% -50%, you will play the role of breaking the lamp but it has little life so the power is not so necessary, you should contribute to the cc in the mini heads and finally, if there is someone who removes blessings in the pyre assigned to you, you can use condi, if they ask you to take away the blessings, the best would be power spb


(all speaking from my experience, and to date I have not received any complaints)

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> @"vaxjani.9073" said:

> I would pick power warrior definitely. You need ascended for fractals and power warrior is superior to condi there. It still does good damage in raids, but need some different equipment (changing some zerk items to assassins, changing impact sigil to accuracy to reach 100% crit chance) there because in fractals u get extra precision from potions.

> You wont have to worry about might stacking that Zerf said, its the druid's job, not yours. I always use Axe/Axe + Mace/Mace (Mace/Shield where the breakbar comes back faster) in fractals and raids. I would only consider playing Greatsword instead of Mace/X if you dont have to CC at all in the fight. Its only a small DPS increase to have it as 2nd weapon set and i would say just forget GS altogether, its better to just camp A/A for dmg.

> As a power warrior you will play Core everywhere, except in fractals where you have to change to Spellbreaker sometimes if the fractal or instability needs the boonrip (tho u can stay Core if the chrono handles the boonrips).

> I advise you level up your crafting (armorsmithing in your case to 400) and craft exotic viper's gear for condi. That way you can change between power and condi warrior easily for raids and you already have ascended gear for the pWar for fractals.


I'll add to this, though I don't play my BS Warrior very much, so my experience is a bit limited.


I run GS Mace/Axe in Fractals because I really like the mobility you get from GS, and the Mace really helps with CC. Axe 1-3 are the weakest of its abilities, as Axe 4 and 5 are the real powerhouses. Sadly Mace is such a terrible feeling weapon to use, it almost hurts to swap to it, but I'm fairly sure GS does more damage than Mace/Mace (could be wrong though), and I don't like the idea of running without any CC, relying on others for it.

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Experienced groups that run cm's and t4 will never take a condi warrior.

First, atm power war brings a ton of cc which is extremely important for avoiding unnecessary damage and bursting down bosses. Meanwhile axe/axe provides very good burst as well as decent sustained dps, especially for short fights axe/axe will always pull ahead of condi war.

Second, the burst with a good group is so high that condi warrior will not even have time to do any serious dps b4 adds die or boss phases. The changes in fractals over the years ( less condi stacks with higher duration, nerfing enemy toughness and increasing vitality, breakbars) have made sure that power is and will always be king in this content.


As for raids.... its 50/50 there. On some fights that require very heavy cc like samarog or sloth, not taking power can lead to sloppy plays or even wipes due to lack of cc.


On other bosses u can just go condi and focus on dps.


I'd suggest going power first for fractals. U could also play power on raids until u can get that viper gear, its lower dps but u can clear bosses just fine.

However only being able to play condi warrior will automatically lock you out from experienced fractal groups which is a no-no for me.

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Go condi first because almost every good cm fractal group will also take a condi war. Only if you belong to the 0.01% of the groups you will be excluded from fractal cm. Worth to notice is that even if you are playing a kind of support you'll be doing more damage than most of the usual fractal players anyways as condi war. The amount of decent to excellent players in T4 is so small that you'll only meet them in special groups (like cm teams). For usual T4s you'll be able to be the baws very often.

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> @"zoomborg.9462" said:

> Experienced groups that run cm's and t4 will never take a condi warrior.

> First, atm power war brings a ton of cc which is extremely important for avoiding unnecessary damage and bursting down bosses. Meanwhile axe/axe provides very good burst as well as decent sustained dps, especially for short fights axe/axe will always pull ahead of condi war.

> Second, the burst with a good group is so high that condi warrior will not even have time to do any serious dps b4 adds die or boss phases. The changes in fractals over the years ( less condi stacks with higher duration, nerfing enemy toughness and increasing vitality, breakbars) have made sure that power is and will always be king in this content.


> As for raids.... its 50/50 there. On some fights that require very heavy cc like samarog or sloth, not taking power can lead to sloppy plays or even wipes due to lack of cc.


> On other bosses u can just go condi and focus on dps.


> I'd suggest going power first for fractals. U could also play power on raids until u can get that viper gear, its lower dps but u can clear bosses just fine.

> However only being able to play condi warrior will automatically lock you out from experienced fractal groups which is a no-no for me.




Also for fractals in addition to the importance of CCing blue bars for more +50% damage moments, No Pain No Gain is likely to be seen at least once a day so having access to boon strip to ensure bosses don't have protection up (-33% damage!) without having to switch builds specifically for the fractal will be a lot more convenient for you.


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