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Did you all give up on playing DH in PvP?


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DH still does pretty well. I played with it a couple nights ago and found it pretty effective vs mirage (which is highly underrated right now, it's definitely strong), scourge and even spell-breakers in 1v1s which are all specs that FB struggles against. I guess a lot of guards are still playing with their new toys before they decide to go back to DH.

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I am Gold/Platinum DH but duelling aganst Druid out of 10 duells i haw won 0... DAMN ZERO !! i just dont understand, they seems to make more damage are more mobile and haw more healing. Whi is this so out balanced ?

Tried FB and all i can say is that Tome of Resolve and Tome of Courage skills are rely rely week, mantras are huge drawback and its best not to use them. In the end you are sitting duck with no disengage and good self defense.

FB is a glass cannon and when enemy looks your way you are dead. Specing FB supportive or tanky doesn't change situation because you lose damage over sustain witch is crap righs naw no matter how you spec it.

But hey FB is great PVE spec...

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i love my DH, the only 2 classes i cant kill them are Druid and Daredevil, druid can run+heals+pet, u just cant kill them or run away from them. daredevil will run when they are losing, stealth and because u cant out run them, they will run back to kill u. im ok with SB and condi nerco/reaper, but druid and daredevil are just annoying

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DH is still lame as ever and really you could pump out higher sustained damage with the new retaliation traits anyway it just takes a little more skill. I mean like 90% chance to crit and pretty much the highest ferocity possible while under the effect of a common buff like retaliation using Valkrie amulet. I'll quit before Ill every play something so skill less as Medi Trapper.

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