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Renegade utilities and "valid paths"


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Don't know if it's an intended function but renegade utilities don't work if there's "no valid path to target" despite being ground targeted AoE's and not ports. If it is intended, please change it so it's less clunky. The skills bug out way too much on terrain and really take away from the very little flow already present on the spec. That is all, thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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It’s unfortunately intended because the summons are npcs and are therefore affected by pushback, pull etc. and need a place to stand. They’re not like shades or wells which have no actual interaction with the terrain aside from being cast in a specific location. I think it’s stupid personally and does cause way too many issues with the skills. I’ve literally died in PvE before due to kalla’s heal not casting on weird terrain

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