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I don't like the way shields look

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What do you think a shield should look like?


A shield basically is a thin sheet of wood and/or metal (as thin as you can get away with, without it being too weak). The size and shape varies depending on how it's intended to be used of course, but that's the basic design principal. GW2 has a lot which don't look anything like real shields and which would be horribly impractical in real life (the gen 2 legendary shield for a start - it's a fish tank, which would be both absurdly heavy and very fragile) but there's plenty of realistic designs to choose from as well.


My personal favourites for realistic shields are the Aureate Targe for a buckler, the Gate of Good-Byes for a tower shield, and the Elonian Wallshield and the charr Legion shields for something in between. (I like a lot of the unrealistic ones too, but I assume they're not relevant to this topic.)

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Right. The shield do look bad, a lot of them. If not the majority. However there are a few that look nice but I wouldn't skin them just because they don't look appropiate for a max leveled and max geared character. It would be pointless to skin a noob skin to an ascended or legendary item just because it looks "realistic". I want people to actually see that I'm a vetran who earned prestigious skins such as legendaries, raid skins etc. I'm always too anxious of what others think of me even if I want to use some more realistic stuff instead of the flashing horrors. So in this case I gotta show off and blind other players in effects rather than look like a scrub who struggles at even the easiest of things. In my opinion there should be far more shields that look like a "bullwark" or like the shields you often see on lances, gunlances and charge blades from the Monster Hunter series.

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I did a fast google of how thick medieval shields were. Most results were about Viking shields, and not focused on their thickness, but every single comment and cited research statement has them topping out at one inch thick. One example from the search: http://www.thearma.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4283


Massive bulkhead door shields are a fantasy gaming trope but highly implausible as "actual shields."


I will agree that the texture in older GW2 shields can be lacking, and they can be pixelated and clip badly. But the thinness is what makes them look more like actual shields, not less.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> I did a fast google of how thick medieval shields were. Most results were about Viking shields, and not focused on their thickness, but every single comment and cited research statement has them topping out at one inch thick. One example from the search: http://www.thearma.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4283


> Massive bulkhead door shields are a fantasy gaming trope but highly implausible as "actual shields."


> I will agree that the texture in older GW2 shields can be lacking, and they can be pixelated and clip badly. But the thinness is what makes them look more like actual shields, not less.


I think the OP is refering to some shields being essentially two dimensional.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > I did a fast google of how thick medieval shields were. Most results were about Viking shields, and not focused on their thickness, but every single comment and cited research statement has them topping out at one inch thick. One example from the search: http://www.thearma.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4283

> >

> > Massive bulkhead door shields are a fantasy gaming trope but highly implausible as "actual shields."

> >

> > I will agree that the texture in older GW2 shields can be lacking, and they can be pixelated and clip badly. But the thinness is what makes them look more like actual shields, not less.


> I think the OP is refering to some shields being essentially two dimensional.


Could be, but so far the OP has declined to mention specific shields causing issues, and has simply made a blanket statement about all GW2 shields. They ask to get some "actual shields" without describing what they mean by that, so responses have nothing specific to agree/disagree with and must simply deal with the assertion that the shields are too thin.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> uhmm, what else do you think a shield is beside a wooden plank?


Not all shields are made from wood. Some are made from metal.

It's a foriegn concept though.


Also the biggest problem imo is the lack of diversity in the shields front face and the almost lack of differentiations between types of shields.


It would be nice to see them add more kite and tower shields that with game specific emblems to them.

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> @"Owon Dyah.3905" said:

> whatever man...


> just turn your camera and see how thin shileds are... then turn it to see your back and see all those textures that are not supposed to be... FLAT.

> And they are...


> design quality of 2004 WoW


You know.. if you’re making a claim you should kind of back it up.

And saying ‘whatever’ isn’t very promoting of a social discourse

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > > I did a fast google of how thick medieval shields were. Most results were about Viking shields, and not focused on their thickness, but every single comment and cited research statement has them topping out at one inch thick. One example from the search: http://www.thearma.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4283

> > >

> > > Massive bulkhead door shields are a fantasy gaming trope but highly implausible as "actual shields."

> > >

> > > I will agree that the texture in older GW2 shields can be lacking, and they can be pixelated and clip badly. But the thinness is what makes them look more like actual shields, not less.

> >

> > I think the OP is refering to some shields being essentially two dimensional.


> Could be, but so far the OP has declined to mention specific shields causing issues, and has simply made a blanket statement about all GW2 shields. They ask to get some "actual shields" without describing what they mean by that, so responses have nothing specific to agree/disagree with and must simply deal with the assertion that the shields are too thin.


Some are ludicrously thin, which is a shame because they do stop me from using them. But I've posted 5 photos that show it's not a blanket problem to sate the OP's challenge

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> @"Owon Dyah.3905" said:

> whatever man...


> just turn your camera and see how thin shileds are... then turn it to see your back and see all those textures that are not supposed to be... FLAT.

> And they are...


> design quality of 2004 WoW


It would help if you had explained what you meant in your initial post. I thought you were referring to the design of the shields, not the graphics quality.

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Only tower shields were used to block. Arrows. They were rested on the ground to take cover behind them.

Actual shields used in combat were thing and they were not used to block weapons, but to deflect them and push enemies away.


Want a real life shield? Get [the cheapest one](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Iron_Shield_(skin) "the cheapest one").

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Owon Dyah.3905" said:

> btw... where is suggestions subforum? or you dont need community feedback?


> On topic... can we get shields to look like actual shields and not thin wooden planks?

> ty


You're new, so I'll explain: The forums are built for conversation, feedback, **and** suggestions. There are even a few specific threads with "Suggestion" in their title. There isn't a "Suggestions" subforum because suggestions come in on all topics -- gameplay modes, professions, etc. -- and having one subforum for suggestions and one for feedback or general conversation would split things too much. Feel free to add your (reasonable, constructive) suggestions in the forum best matched to the core subject matter.


> @"Owon Dyah.3905" said:

> omg these kitten fanboys...

> did you ever turned your camera... go do it now and post your shileds here


You're new, so I'll explain something else: You've started out your forum membership rather badly and this thread is wrong on a couple of levels. First, your first two posts contained three uses of "not-so-creative spelling" to try to mask a swear word; one included a word that got censored. Don't do that. I've changed the title (you're welcome) but need to also point out that you made a statement, challenged others to disprove it (while insulting them), and when they did exactly that, you stopped posting.


Maybe you'll come back to this thread, maybe you won't. But if you want to fit in here, follow the reasonable forum rules: Don't swear (cutesy or not), post constructively, and don't insult people!

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> @"Owon Dyah.3905" said:

> btw... where is suggestions subforum? or you dont need community feedback?


Add a [suggestion] prefix to your subject line.


> On topic... can we get shields to look like actual shields and not thin wooden planks?


Huh?! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_shields


My favorites are:




I also like:








...and none of them looks like a "thin wooden plank."





> @"Owon Dyah.3905" said:

> omg these kitten fanboys...


I am female and way beyond my 30s. So much for your "fanboy" theory. ;) Just because people don't agree with you doesn't mean they are wrong. Except for one or two shields, the ones that I posted above are very "thick" in profile, so perhaps _you_ could open your Wardrobe at the Bank and turn your camera to see that people were telling the truth. :)

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I find GW2 skins are pretty diverse and creative. There is always something you like besides something you don't but the others prefer. Here are the skins I got for each of my characters.

![](https://i.imgur.com/CRrWX6Z.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/Kjr5NIv.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/GeP7u90.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/5nUMPfr.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/lCYYdXT.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/LT74Ec0.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/x4Uwydp.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/AxvlqnM.jpg "")


The texture is also impressive...

![](https://i.imgur.com/uyddmMN.jpg "")


Don't like the look of the starting armor/weapon skins? Well, they serve their exact purpose of a "starting gear". The end game is fashion after all.

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