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[Suggestion] Gemstore Item Pricing


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First off, this is not a rant about gemstore items. Instead, as someone who has bought a large amount of items over the years, and who is not finding much to pique my interest lately, some ideas on what might get me to open my wallet more for things already in the gemstore.


Mounts: I quite enjoy my mounts but in the end, how many mount skins can you use? I might buy more if they were cheaper but at current prices, I am not inclined to buy anymore. Some ideas:

* maybe a season pass on mount skins (although honestly there is only so much I'd pay for that unless it gave me every skin).

* perhaps a reduced cost on remaining mounts in a set once you have some number of them

* also, maybe I am missing something, but I can't easily tell what mounts I still don't have in a set. Having bought the "wrong" adoption license in the past, I'm not really that eager to buy more without an easier way to tell what is in a set, in game. Maybe organize the mount tab by set, or even just have the mouse-over text say what set it is in?


Packages: I often find I have one of the skins in a package offering but wouldn't mind the other stuff in there at a discount. I'd buy the package if the cost of the skin I already had was deducted and either there was something I couldn't get otherwise (like an onyx skin) or there was a small discount for the remaining items. I wouldn't expect the full discount on the remaining items, just a proportional discount (and no discount if there's something in there I can't get any other way).


Onyx skins: I guess these are considered sweeteners for packages but I'd buy a random onyx skin unlock (as longer as it was guaranteed to be a skin I didn't already have)


Gemstore to wiki links. It would be easier to research things (like what is in a mount set) if I could shift click the store item to /wiki. Would be nice if the wiki page also showed me what I had, like the dye kit pages do (maybe that's usually up to us users, but as a way to spur sales, might be good for Anet to take the trouble to make that happen). Similarly, mount hero tab to wiki links would be nice. You can /wiki minis with a click, why not mounts?


BL Chests: I've bought many of these over the years but now that I have all the home instance nodes from them and even the permanent contract I wanted the most (the bank one), plus ridiculous amounts of the utility things, not really feeling much need to buy keys. I do like the wardrobe unlocks and a few other things but most chest drops actually don't do much for me these days (skins I have, don't want, and can't sell for much unless I bank them for a year, utility items I don't need, etc.). Higher chance of unlocks or perhaps an unlock-anything item at higher rarities, new home instance nodes, better chance on perm contracts, those might restore my interest. I will say that some of the guaranteed drops, like the one that gave pvp/wvw rewards I quite liked and would buy more of. But the event drops mostly give lots and lots of not all that useful stuff that you can buy cheaply enough in the TP if you want.


I'd buy something that let me convert utility items I don't need or want into something else. For instance something to convert the consumable bank access into a random or other utility item (like a hair kit, transmutation charges, etc, which I also have large amounts of but at least I could do something with them).


Just some thoughts; obviously my personal ideas and I'll leave it to others to indicate if this would be of general interest.

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