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Coming back to game after few years!


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previously i stoped playing game when fractals was coming to game and now I just installed the game and loaded my old Warrior with 80 lvl. Everything has changed! I was playing Berserker, I've got only exotic gear. What build is good for warrior or maybe i should do new character? What advices will you give me? What should i do at the "beggining" to get back to the game? I'm planning to buy both DLC, but i'm not sure to buy both at the same time or first heart of thorns and after some time path of fire.

Any advice will be very helpful.

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Welcome back !


- We now have Raids so there are more elitists lurking out there, be afraid :#

- As you have aware the meta had shifted dramatically since then,both Power and Condition builds has their own unique places now so first thing you should do is to learn more about how Condi work again because with the new class Revenant that comes with HoT though it feels lacking in some senses but currently hold one of the top rank in Condi DPS as well as many other classes also having both good and bad condi/power builds.

- However, warrior currently having a nickname "Bannerslave" but don't let that buzz you, Berserker is purely condi and have very powerful dps while Banner war is more into support on demands, overall it's completely fine to be a war again. Note : sometime you might get kicked as a bannerslave but remember IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.

- I suggest you visit those websites, they are the most up-to-date meta builds as well as dulfy for more guides.

1. [https://snowcrows.com](https://snowcrows.com "https://snowcrows.com") - Raid

2. [https://discretize.eu/](https://discretize.eu/ "https://discretize.eu/") - Fractals

3. [https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki](https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki "https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki") - Every other builds

- Final, since the meta has changed so much i guess there is no hurt if you try out new class, i won't give any suggestion here because it depend a lot on you and "Balance Patch"...yeah watch out for this, you might get hooked up to a certain class you like and in the next moment everything was screwed badly.


Have Fun

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Story-wise, I would play HoT before PoF, but that's not a requirement.


For a good build, I recommend to check on Metabattle.com and then from there you can get used to the class and build and therefore, improvise and improve.


I can also suggest this simple open-world build which you are free to use and/or criticise : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAneRjEdQnHW2B+dAnIGICK9Lm+YwCgIYAuyIDCaA-jhCBwAKVagT9HjKzWYaom+GJKBTYmLwTK46+DAOlCAA-e


In this build, you can be aggressive and not worry to die from a sneeze. All the equipment can be bought from the Trading Post.


The choice of the trait Arms is mainly a preference. I know this trait is mainly used for condi build, but with that set-up, you'll never run out of adrenaline and can spam freely the healing skill and the elite signet skill for dps buff and boons respectively.


If you need some Golds, I can offer you some via mail if you need it.

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> @"Eros.6801" said:

> Note : sometime you might get kicked as a bannerslave but remember IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.


That is a really unhealthy way of looking at things. Sometimes people kick you because they are toxic but sometimes they might kick you because you re actually creating issues or not playing correctly. Having a default reaction of "ITS NOT MY FAULT" is the perfect way of becoming toxic yourself.


As for the OP. Best thing to do...Level up a new character. It will ease you in on most of the changes on the game. Then move to the expansion stories and guides on the sites posted above. Also i do believe buying both expansions gives you a small discount. Also check DLgamer (it always has discounts) and keep vigilant about possible sales. They tend to happen every 3-4 months.


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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> > @"Eros.6801" said:

> > Note : sometime you might get kicked as a bannerslave but remember IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.


> That is a really unhealthy way of looking at things. Sometimes people kick you because they are toxic but sometimes they might kick you because you re actually creating issues or not playing correctly. Having a default reaction of "ITS NOT MY FAULT" is the perfect way of becoming toxic yourself.



I see, let me fix it a bit "IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT...well sort of".

You're right but when one's speaking about "Toxic" the topic itself easily turns side way and yes i should've have put more explanation before i said that so let put a stop here, may as it be when someone actually kicks somebody because of the build they play or the fault is at the one who played incorrectly let those who involved be the judges. I myself as a war had experienced that kind of situation from the beginning with the reason being given as most of you might have expected without a chance to adjust my build or talk back so my statement only cover half of the meaning. I give my apology if my words confused you guys as i'm not good at expressing my thought, especially to @OP if you misunderstood something.

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- Yes, necro always the best and easiest class to pick for new and returning players because it easy to survive on its own due to high amount of HP, minions, decent DPS and with HoT/PoF elites specs brings even further changes to the class especially when you do farming, meta events, dungeons, low to mid level fractals, but in raids or any high level fractals you will need to consider the fact that necro DPS is not high although they also have a nice heal/support build, just get ready cuz things might get more complicated in there.

- A piece of advice, please hold out until the next Tuesday cause balance patch is coming, over the past year necro as well as many other classes has suffered quite a lot of traumas due to this and i also mentioned this in my first post. Even if you don't understand anything about the changes just come back here and ask. Honestly speaking i'm shaking right now it's scary af :s .

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> @"Ordnaxx.8614" said:

> Thanks for advice, definetly i wil try making new character but also trying my old. I thought about Necromancer, do you think it's a good choice?


Power Necro is the king/Queen in open world. Especially power reaper (the HoT specialization). Its pretty ok in fractals as dps and the PoF specialization (scourge) is very important for WvW. But it is mediocre in Raids. So choose accordingly.


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Necro is a meme class and it will probably cause you most negative experiences in the end game. Not because it is necessarily that bad, but because people have formed a sort of in game culture of hating on necromancer since it has sub-optimal dps in PvE. If you are playing PvP or WvW necromancer is extremely strong and usable profession. So if you are thinking about necro, I would suggest to pick it if you wanna commit to PvP or WvW

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> @"Ordnaxx.8614" said:

> I will try necro now, and probably come back when the patch comes to the server to ask you guys about changes and than i will think about next move.


- Just here to give you a head up about upcoming changes to necro/reaper, due to the delayed patch which will be released on next tuesday but dev already gave us the patch before hand. Overall PvE reaper will received buffs in DPS which is a good although it's not much and we have to wait it out to know exactly what will happen but overall a buff is a buff so i guess reaper surely going to be your pick, its safe, powerful, a bit dull depend on what build you are playing.

- Here is the full note if you are curious about what going to change



As we continue to update the necromancer, we're looking at each of its elite specializations and moving them more toward their expected roles. Scourge applies a bit too much instant corruption pressure in large-group WvW settings by simply laying down shades; we've reworked Unending Corruption and renamed it Herald of Sorrow to address this. The reworked trait now acts more like a delayed version of boon corruption that also grants an area-of-effect barrier. Reaper has seen an excessive loss of damage with the update on traits in the last patch. We'll be pushing some of its damage higher through skill updates in PvE, but will be mostly leaving it alone in competitive modes, as all the necromancer specializations have a healthy representation in competitive game modes.


• Nightfall: Increased the damage of this skill by 50% in PvE only.

• Desiccate: Fixed a bug with this skill in which its might gain applied in a larger radius than the listed value. Removed an unlisted whirl finisher. Reduced the casting time from 1 second to 0.75 seconds. Increased its damage by 150%. This skill now grants a bonus 2% life force for each target it strikes.

• Oppressive Collapse: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from granting might when used on targets in a downed state.

• Enfeebling Blood: Increased the amount of bleeding stacks that this skill applies from 2 to 3.

• "You Are All Weaklings!": Reduced the recharge time of this skill from 30 seconds to 25 seconds. Increased its damage by 40%.

• "Nothing Can Save You!": Reduced the recharge time of this skill from 25 seconds to 20 seconds. Increased its damage by 40%.

• Serpent Siphon: Fixed a bug that caused this skill to list an incorrect amount of barrier. Reduced its recharge time from 30 seconds to 25 seconds. Increased its damage by 21%.

• Spectral Ring: The description and skill facts for this skill have been updated to indicate the amount of life force that is gained when fear is applied to a foe.

• Cold Shoulder: Increased the amount of bonus damage that this trait grants from 10% to 15% in PvE only.

• Unending Corruption: This trait has been reworked and renamed Herald of Sorrow.

• Herald of Sorrow: Equipping this trait turns Desert Shroud into Harbinger Shroud, which removes the pulsing effects of Desert Shroud and instead shifts into a single detonation after a 3-second delay. This trait deals damage, corruption, and conditions in one strike while providing barrier to allies within the vicinity.

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